
theft [θeft]  [θɛft] 



theft 基本解释

名词偷盗,偷窃; 被盗,失窃; 盗窃之物,赃物; 失窃案例

theft 相关例句



1. He was accused of theft.

2. He was put in prison for theft.

theft 网络解释

1. 偷窃行为:所有这些行为都是偷窃行为(theft)或称未经许可拿走公司资源. 虽然员工偷窃有很多原因,有些员工偷窃可能因为感到被剥削、过度工作或因从组织处得到的没有人情味的待遇而感到失望. 在员工的头脑中,他们认为不道德的行为也是合理的,

2. 盗窃:为了回应这次调查,加拿大统计局提供了卑诗省六类犯罪的判刑数据,其中主要包括盗窃(theft)、入室犯罪(break and enter)、抢劫(robbery)、占有毒品(drug possession)、毒品走私(drug trafficking)和非法驾驶(impaired driving)等.

3. 偷窃(罪):A thief 小偷 | theft 偷窃(罪) | An arsonist 纵火者

theft 词典解释

1. 偷窃;盗窃(罪)
    Theft is the crime of stealing.

    e.g. Art theft is now part of organised crime.
    e.g. ...the theft of classified documents from a car in London.

theft 单语例句

1. The US promulgated the Economic Espionage Act in 1996, making the theft or misappropriation of trade secrets a federal crime under commercial espionage.

2. theft的解释

2. It seems many Britons are failing to protect themselves, regularly risking identity theft by being careless with their personal information.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. Beijing airport police say they have cracked the largest theft case in the airport's history.

4. theft的近义词

4. The housing estate has not had a case of theft, injury or murder in 15 years.

5. A farmer trying to do a good turn for a disabled friend has been charged with theft in Tianjin municipality.

6. Prosecutors filed a felony grand theft charge against the " Mean Girls " star.

7. theft的意思

7. The theft was not discovered until last year, when a cheque he made out for a religious rite proved insufficient for the purpose.

8. Federal authorities want to improve technology systems and crack down on employees to prevent the theft or loss of classified and sensitive information.

9. This system was designed to prevent theft and keep the floor area clean.

10. A former law clerk who misappropriated his employer's money to pay gambling debts pleaded guilty to four counts of theft at District Court on Monday.

theft 英英释义


1. the act of taking something from someone unlawfully

    e.g. the thieving is awful at Kennedy International

    Synonym: larceny thievery thieving stealing
