the Dead Sea

the Dead Sea

the Dead Sea 单语例句

1. the Dead Sea在线翻译

1. ICL officials said the Dead Sea's relative proximity to Chinese and Asian markets helped to close the deal.

2. He said he believed she was dead and asked a friend to dump her body in the sea.

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3. The hand of a dead man sits among concrete sea barriers on Monday in Toyoma, northern Japan.

4. The local government officials pulled five of the dead from the sea, bringing the number of bodies recovered from the waters off Shacheng harbor to 180.

5. the Dead Sea的翻译

5. She was rushed to a hospital after lifeguards lifted her out of the sea but was pronounced dead on arrival.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. Although it is a lot fun in the Dead Sea, you cannot spend the whole day floating on the water.

7. Many Chinese tourists might have dreamed of traveling to Israel to experience the salt water spa of the Dead Sea.

8. Keenan said authorities were trying to decide where they should put the dead fish and were considering dumping them several kilometers out to sea.

9. Pakistan Interior Ministry said that it has made efforts to facilitate the transportation of dead bodies of 37 Pakistani youths drowned in the Jawa Sea.

10. Floating on the Dead Sea is magical and it is said to be nine times saltier than the Mediterranean.
