
that [ðæt]  [ðæt, ðət] 



that 基本解释



连词多么; 如此…以至; 用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出各种从句

副词不那么; 那样

that 反义词


that 相关例句


1. I like him but not all that much.


1. That's my English teacher over there.


1. We are glad that we have accomplished another arduous task.

2. Oh, that I could be with you again!

3. That I could stay at home today!

that 情景对话



A:Is that clear?

B:It’s clear.


A:That sunset is (beautiful/ delightful/ gorgeous).

B:Yeah, it’s pretty nice.


A:You can’t do that here.

B:What’s wrong with (drinking/ smoking/ eating) here?

that 网络解释


1. 指示代词:本题考查定语从句中关系代词的用法,也涉及到了人称代词(it),指示代词(that)和关系副词(when). 此题为一包含非限制性定语从句的复合句,which引导定语从句,代替整个主句的内容.

2. 引导词:(我知道他昨天晚上回来.) 主谓结构 动词 省略了引导词 that 之后,从句的起始标记也就不复存在,这会给阅读造成一定的困难.作为一种经验,今后 只要在动词后面发现一对主谓结构,即可断定这对主谓结构是宾语从句,且前面省略了引导词(that).

3. that:then and there; 当时

that 词典解释




1. 那,那个(指代前面句子里提到的)
    You use that to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences.

    e.g. They said you particularly wanted to talk to me. Why was that?...
    e.g. 'Hey, is there anything the matter with my sisters?' — 'Is that why you're phoning?'...

2. that的反义词

2. 那个人,那个(用来指代已经提到的人或物)
    You use that to refer to someone or something already mentioned.

    e.g. The Commissioners get between £50,000 and 60,000 a year in various allowances. But that amount can soar to 90,000 a year...
           委员们每年领取的各种津贴在 5 万到 6 万英镑之间,但最高可达 9 万英镑。
    e.g. The biggest increase was on the cheapest model, the CRX-HF. That car had a 1990 base price of $9,145.
           涨价最快的是最便宜的车型 CRX-HF,那款车 1990 年的基价是 9,145 美元。

3. 那,那个(指已经谈到过的特定时期)
    When you have been talking about a particular period of time, you use that to indicate that you are still referring to the same period. You use expressions such as that morning or that afternoon to indicate that you are referring to an earlier period of the same day.

    e.g. The story was published in a Sunday newspaper later that week...
    e.g. That morning I had put on a pair of black slacks and a long-sleeved black blouse.

4. that的翻译

4. (用于 that of, that which 等短语中引出有关上文提到的某事物的更多信息,而避免重复相关名词)
    You use that in expressions such as that of and that which to introduce more information about something already mentioned, instead of repeating the noun which refers to it.

    e.g. A recession like that of 1973–1974 could put one in ten American companies into bankruptcy...
           像 1973–1974 年间那样的经济衰退能让 1/10 的美国公司破产。
    e.g. Indoor pollution falls into two categories, that which we can see or smell, and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour.

5. 那个,那(用于对前述内容表示同意或作出应答的词和词组前)
    You use that in front of words or expressions which express agreement, responses, or reactions to what has just been said.

    e.g. 'She said she'd met you in England.' — 'That's true.'...
    e.g. 'I've never been to Paris.' — 'That's a pity. You should go one day.'

6. 那一个,那个(引出将要更加详细介绍的人或物)
    You use that to introduce a person or thing that you are going to give details or information about.

    e.g. In my case I chose that course which I considered right...
    e.g. That person who violates the law and discriminates should suffer in his career.

7. 那个(指代在时间、空间上离自己稍远的人或物,尤用于指示;有两个以上的事物时,that 指较远的那个)
    You use that when you are referring to someone or something which is a distance away from you in position or time, especially when you indicate or point to them. When there are two or more things near you, that refers to the more distant one.

    e.g. Look at that guy. He's got red socks...
    e.g. Where did you get that hat?...

8. (用于指明或询问身份)
    You use that when you are identifying someone or asking about their identity.

    e.g. That's my wife you were talking to...
    e.g. That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management...

9. (不需明确指出的情况下谈话对方即可能知道所指的人或物)那个
    You can use that when you expect the person you are talking to to know what or who you are referring to, without needing to identify the particular person or thing fully.

    e.g. I really thought I was something when I wore that hat and my patent leather shoes...
    e.g. Did you get that cheque I sent?...

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 不太,不那么(坏、滑稽、昂贵等)
    If something is not that bad, funny, or expensive for example, it is not as bad, funny, or expensive as it might be or as has been suggested.

    e.g. Not even Gary, he said, was that stupid...
    e.g. It isn't that funny...

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 那么,那样(用于强调感情或品质的程度之深)
      You can use that to emphasize the degree of a feeling or quality.

      e.g. I would have walked out, I was that angry...
      e.g. Do I look that stupid?...

12. see also: those

13. 等等;诸如此类
      You use and all that or and that to refer generally to everything else which is associated with what you have just mentioned.

      e.g. I hate to be nasty and all that...
      e.g. I'm not a cook myself but I am interested in nutrition and that.

14. 此外,而且(用于陈述之后,修饰或强调所说的话)
      You use at that after a statement which modifies or emphasizes what you have just said.

      e.g. Success never seems to come but through hard work, often physically demanding work at that...
      e.g. The caféwas popular with locals, and not with the more respectable locals at that.

15. 就是说;即;换句话说
      You use that is or that is to say to indicate that you are about to express the same idea more clearly or precisely.

      e.g. I am a disappointing, though generally dutiful, student. That is, I do as I'm told...
      e.g. Education Ministers ought to have placed the interests of consumers — that is to say pupils — first.

16. 就这样,好了(表示不必再做什么或目的已经达到)
      You use that's it to indicate that nothing more needs to be done or that the end has been reached.

      e.g. When he left the office, that was it, the workday was over.

17. 对,是这样(表示同意、赞许)
      You use that's it to express agreement with or approval of what has just been said or done.

      e.g. 'You got married, right?' — 'Yeah, that's it.'

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 就那样(强调某事突然发生、立即做完或过程很简单,常指未加思考、讨论)
      You use just like that to emphasize that something happens or is done immediately or in a very simple way, often without much thought or discussion.

      e.g. Just like that, I was in love...
      e.g. You mean he sent you back just like that?


19. 就这样,就这么定了(表示无能为力、无话可说)
      You use that's that to say there is nothing more you can do or say about a particular matter.

      e.g. 'Well, if that's the way you want it,' he replied, tears in his eyes, 'I guess that's that.'
      e.g. 'I want you to go home.' — 'I'm staying here, and that's that.'

20. like that -> see like
      this and that -> see this;that and the other
      this -> see this


1. that的解释

1. (用于动词、形容词、名词、短语之后,引导间接引语从句)
    You can use that after many verbs, adjectives, nouns, and expressions to introduce a clause in which you report what someone has said, or what they think or feel.

    e.g. He called her up one day and said that he and his wife were coming to New York...
    e.g. We were worried that she was going to die...

2. (用于“it+系动词+形容词”结构之后,表示评论)
    You use that after 'it' and a link verb and an adjective to comment on a situation or fact.

    e.g. It's interesting that you like him...
    e.g. I've made up my mind, but it's obvious that you need more time to think...

3. that的近义词

3. (引导从句,以提供更多有关谈论对象的信息)
    You use that to introduce a clause which gives more information to help identify the person or thing you are talking about.

    e.g. ...pills that will make the problem disappear.
    e.g. ...a car that won't start...

4. (用在 so,such 之后,引出结果或影响)
    You use that after expressions with 'so' and 'such' in order to introduce the result or effect of something.

    e.g. She became so nervous that she shook violently...
    e.g. She came towards me so quickly that she knocked a chair over...

that 单语例句

1. What I got was the sense that Chinese business leaders and government officials welcome private equity done the right way.

2. This is despite concern in China that Ye has neither set foot in the media operation nor done business overseas.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Jeans workshop owner Zhou Hexi agrees that more can be done to help small business owner like him.

4. But they also noted that more is needed to be done in terms of business promotion to guarantee an early recovery.

5. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

6. That consensus comes from leading forecasters in a survey by the National Association for Business Economics released Monday.

7. That gloomy outlook came from leading forecasters in the latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics to be released Monday.

8. It now has a single operating system that has increased business efficiency by 30 percent, the result said.

9. that什么意思

9. An increasing number of Chinese companies have been aware of the value of enterprise data warehouses that can greatly improve their business efficiency.

10. that什么意思

10. We are in the business of growing the pie through efficiency improvement and that is what economic growth is all about.
