thank God

thank God

thank God 基本解释


thank God 网络解释

thank God

1. 感谢上帝:How nice! 多好啊! | Thank God! 感谢上帝! | Oh,good!噢,好!

2. 谢天谢地:God, no.|老天,没有 | Thank God.|谢天谢地 | - Look at that one, isn't it adorable? - Which one?|-那包包很漂亮吧? -哪一个?

3. 宽慰,感谢:Say! 唤起注意,或想起什么 | Thank God! 宽慰,感谢 | Thank goodness! 感谢

4. 太好了:I'm back.|我回来了 | Thank God.|太好了 | This is a good-sized room.|这房间的大小真是刚刚好

thank God 单语例句

1. Thank God he didn't " customize " the dinner for the Chinese way of hospitality.

2. " I will probably just go home and thank God, " Redd said.

3. " I wake up every day and thank God for my life, " he says.

4. thank God在线翻译

4. During that course, boats of many couples capsized but thank God we survived through our maiden ride.

5. Local residents named the place Liuyang Mountain to thank the God of Heaven and memorialize the magic goats.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Anyway, thank God for Victoria's Secrets'new underwear line!

7. Thank God there's no crocodile in the Chinese zodiac and the scandal was not delayed to the year of the cow.

8. thank God在线翻译

8. They flipped into a ditch & totaled the car but thank God they are alive!

9. Also thank God, there were no patients at the hospital today because we were undergoing renovation.

10. " Thank God we weren't home, " said a woman who lives in the damaged house.
