
territorial [ˌterəˈtɔ:riəl]  [ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl, -ˈtor-] 


territorial 基本解释


形容词领土的; 区域的; 土地的; 地方的


territorial 网络解释


1. 区域性:天主教会当然是唯一、至公、至圣的,却也是一个领土性或区域性(territorial)的宗教. 可惜这圣统体制没有一个互动的机制,能带动基层的交流及联谊. 在亚洲虽然有一个「亚洲主教团」的设立,那也只是策略上的参议及协调的高层组织. 到今天为止,

2. 地方的:Termination 解雇,终止 | Territorial 地方的 | Tertiary 第三位的

territorial 词典解释

1. 领土的;领海的
    Territorial means concerned with the ownership of a particular area of land or water.

    e.g. It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others...
    e.g. Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.

2. (英国的)国防义勇军士兵
    In Britain, the Territorials are the members of the Territorial Army .

3. (动物或其行为)地盘意识强的,占地为王的
    If you describe an animal or its behaviour as territorial, you mean that it has an area which it regards as its own, and which it defends when other animals try to enter it.

    e.g. Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour.

territorial 单语例句

1. Border and maritime territorial disputes left over by history force China to spend a considerable part of its energy on maintaining relations with neighboring countries.

2. Japanese media earlier reported that the absence of China this time was caused by territorial tensions between the two countries.

3. She also suggested a multilateral solution to the question and called for " a collaborative diplomatic process by all claimants for resolving the various territorial disputes ".

4. Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regular news briefing that " the navy's routine exercise near Xisha Islands is normal activity within China's territorial waters ".

5. The deployment is considered the first case in recent history that sees China sending vessels on a potential combat mission beyond its territorial waters.

6. territorial什么意思

6. The Chinese government and Chinese military should categorically declare that its military has the legal obligation to safeguard China's territorial integrity.

7. It said Pakistan categorically opposes any attempts aimed at violating China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

8. And it specifically says both sides " wish to promote the stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations " in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The Chinese government asked Japan to immediately cease all actions that infringe China's territorial sovereignty, vowing " unshakable resolve " in safeguarding its sovereignty.

10. But even centrist leaders lectured Uribe about the need to honor territorial sovereignty and the rule of law.

territorial 英英释义


1. a territorial military unit

    Synonym: territorial reserve

2. nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit


1. belonging to the territory of any state or ruler

    e.g. territorial rights

2. territorial什么意思

2. displaying territoriality
    defending a territory from intruders

    e.g. territorial behavior
           strongly territorial birds

3. of or relating to a territory

    e.g. the territorial government of the Virgin Islands
           territorial claims made by a country
