terrestrial globe

terrestrial globe [təˈrestri:əl ɡləub]  [təˈrɛstriəl ɡlob] 

terrestrial globe 基本解释
terrestrial globe 网络解释


1. 地球仪:天球仪(Celestial Globe)是根据法王路易十四诞生时的天象所绘制,而地球仪(Terrestrial Globe)则展现出人类对五大洲探索的历史进程. 两座球仪以天文地理为题,但其于教育及视觉艺术方面的影响,远较在科学方面深远.

2. 地球:terrene 土质的 | terrestrial globe 地球 | terrestrial 陆地

3. 天球儀教育理化實驗:10399天梯餐食作料soft palate | 10400天球儀教育理化實驗terrestrial globe | 10401天祥觀光臺灣名勝Tien Hsiang

4. 地球; 地球仪:terrazzo 磨石子地 (名) | terrestrial globe 地球; 地球仪 | terribly 可怕地; 极; 十分 (副)

terrestrial globe 双语例句

1. Yes, I have learned a lot of knowledge about the globe from my terrestrial globe.

2. The relationship between carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystem and globe change is the key of environment issues.


3. For me a pivot, I may support the terrestrial globe

terrestrial globe

4. A terrestrial globe is one that represents the earth.

5. The dark vault surrounded the terrestrial globe as if to crush it.

6. Only six of his globes are believed still to be in existence. Three of them are in England, of which one pair consisting of a terrestrial and a celestial globe is owned by Middle Temple and displayed in its library, while a terrestrial globe is at Petworth House in Petworth, West Sussex.

7. For example, the elimination of toxic residue in different parts of the Terrestrial Globe, since a great sweeping carried out by our ships will be needed to clear out all traces of toxicity and war weapons created by men.

8. For me a pivot, I may support the terrestrial globe;

terrestrial globe的翻译

9. Crowning the entire composition is a vase of cut flowers, an ulterior memento mori juxtaposed to the terrestrial globe, emblematic of royal power.


10. On the ninth day after leaving yokohama, Phileas Fogg had traversed exactly one half of the terrestrial globe.

11. Considering the terrestrial globe like the inductor of a dynamo, where the extraterrestrial ether is the inductor of electric currents circulating in the atmosphere;

12. Celestial or terrestrial globe printed with or without internal lighting (excl. those in relief and those more than 100 years old)

13. When he masters the terrestrial globe, he can move on to the celestial globe, and learn about the constellations in our hemisphere.
