1. 时态:我们结合语言的运用,从词性 (Parts of Speech) 、词根和词缀 (roots and affix) 、时态 (Tenses) 和句式 (Sentence Patterns) 四个大的方面讲解英语语法的基本知识,不是为了讲语法而教授语法,而是力求使大家对英语有更系统的认识,
2. 動詞的時態:動詞的種類Types of Verbs | 動詞的時態Tenses | 動詞的語態Voices
1. " Garran did a good job using proper medicinal terms and tenses on the English signs, " Li says.
2. Your hands are clammy as you grip the steering wheel, your right leg tenses as it presses slightly down on the accelerator.