



tens 基本解释
tensile 张力的;tension 张力;电压;transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 经皮电神经刺激;百分之百( ten的名词复数 );十之八九;十便士币;十( ten的第三人称单数 );百分之百;
tens 网络解释


1. 十位:Similar terms 同类项 | Tens 十位 | Tenths 十分位

2. 逢十各字:tenor 要旨 | tens 逢十各字 | tensile breaking strength 抗拉断裂试验

3. 电缆张力曲线:tens digit 十进制数字 | TENS 电缆张力曲线 | tense 时态;拉紧的;拉紧

4. (张开):tend,tens,tent=to stretch(张开) | vt.照料,护理 | tendency n.趋势,倾向

5. tens:transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation; 经皮神经电刺激

6. tens:transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; 经皮电刺激

7. tens:transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation; 体表神经电刺激

tens 单语例句

1. tens

1. As a result, tens of thousands of Potter fans flocked to buy the book via popular websites.

2. They also have margins of error that could skew the numbers by the tens of thousands.

3. Mothers by the tens of thousands prayed for good results at Buddhist temples known for having links to education as well as at Christian churches.

4. The number of hits to the page soared by the tens of thousands after the story broke.

5. Deng is just one of the tens of thousands of passengers affected by the severe weather in the city.

6. tens

6. Friday's protest by tens of thousands was the biggest since Mubarak's ouster.

7. In Wenchuan, tens of thousands of people have been affected by the earthquake.

8. Tens of millions of Chinese people were amazed by the show's unprecedented broader view of the outside world.

9. An official crowd estimate was unavailable, but tens of thousands of people typically attend what organizers dub California's largest public event.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. The move follows a week of protests drawing tens of thousands chanting support for activist Anna Hazare.
