tend towards

tend towards [tend tə'wɔ:dz]  [tɛnd 'təuədz] 

tend towards 基本解释



tend towards 网络解释

1. 趋向, 走向:loblolly pine 厚皮刺果松, 火炬松 | tend towards 趋向, 走向 | have by the heels 逮捕, 监禁, 戴上脚镣

2. 趋向:tend to 注意 | tend towards 趋向 | tend 趋向

tend towards 单语例句

1. " I do tend to play better towards the end of the year, " Harrington told reporters.

2. In private, business people tend to hold cynical views towards philanthropy.

3. They tend to hold a more flexible attitude towards China and do not want ideological differences and Cold War antics to impede their business interests.

4. The English rarely say what they mean and tend towards reticence and understatement.

5. They tend to behave the same way towards their children, which may help keep the next generation solvent.
