
temporize [ˈtempəraɪz]  [ˈtɛmpəˌraɪz] 







temporize 基本解释

不及物动词拖延; 敷衍; 顺应时势; 暂时同意

temporize 网络解释

1. 顺应时势:temporarytotaldisability暂时全部劳动能力丧失 | temporize顺应时势 | temporizer顺应时势者

2. 见风驶舵:temporize with 妥协 | temporize 见风驶舵 | temporizer 骑墙主义者

3. 见风使舵 顺应时世:temperate 节制的 | extemporization 即席演说 | temporize 见风使舵 顺应时世

4. 见风使舵:teem#充满 | temporize#见风使舵 | terminate#终结

temporize 双语例句


1. Since he engaged Iran, it has continued to temporize and dissimulate over its nuclear programme.

2. Had the Reformation, after attaining a degree of success, consented to temporize to secure favor with the world, it would have been untrue to God and to itself, and would thus have ensured its own destruction.

3. And from this time he began to seek new alliances and to temporize with France in the expedition which she was making towards the kingdom of Naples against the Spaniards who were besieging Gaeta.


4. I can't permit you to temporize any longer.


5. He is always temporize and be dislike by his classmate.

6. When you look in her face, you're gonna feel the instinct to temporize.

7. But as the time pass by, they wouldsooner or later temporize and adopt military technology transformation in theirparticular way.

8. She would balance and temporize endlessly before reaching a decision.

9. He kept talking, to temporize.

10. EPA had attempted to temporize by allowing California to take " reasonable extra efforts " to comply.

11. Celia had decided long ago she would never temporize on that.


12. His offers of compromise were mere rhetoric. temporize between two parties

temporize 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 temporise

1. (为争取时间)拖延
    If you say that someone is temporizing, you mean that they keep doing unimportant things in order to delay something important such as making a decision or stating their real opinion.

    e.g. They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster...
    e.g. 'Not exactly, sir,' temporized Sloan.

temporize 单语例句

1. He said he hopes that the United States will temporize to the trend instead of setting obstacles.

temporize 英英释义



1. temporize的反义词

1. draw out a discussion or process in order to gain time

    e.g. The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote

    Synonym: temporise
