
temperate [ˈtempərət]  [ˈtɛmpərɪt, ˈtɛmprɪt] 

比较级:more temperate


最高级:most temperate

temperate 基本解释


形容词适度的; 有节制的; (气候)温和的

temperate 同义词


形容词calm gentle moderate mild

temperate 反义词


temperate 相关例句



1. He is a temperate man, and never drinks too much.

2. He is temperate in speech.

3. I love the temperate climate here.

temperate 网络解释

1. 温和的:[J2:农作物、果树与气候的关系]游戏共有3种气候环境:湿润的(Humid温和的(Temperate干旱的(Arid),总得来说东南沿海珠江流域一带气候湿润,长江流域一带气候温和,黄河流域一带气候干旱.

2. 温带:豹子的栖息地几乎覆盖任何有充足食物的地方,包括:多树的草原、温带(temperate)和热带(tropical)森林以及沙漠.

3. 温和:气候类型及气温:因地区而有不同:大部分地区属温和(temperate)气候;夏威夷州及佛罗里达州属热带性(tropical)气候;阿拉斯加州属北极圈(arctic)气候;密西西比河以西之大平原区(great plains)属半干旱性(semiarid)气候;

4. 自制:所谓自制 (temperate),即自我节制;而清醒持重 (sober of mind)则是保持冷静. 换句话说,圣经吩咐我们凡事要谨守、自制、保持冷静、稳定、坚毅不摇;以免成为撒旦的掠物.

temperate 词典解释

1. (气候)温和的;(地区)温带的
    Temperate is used to describe a climate or a place which is never extremely hot or extremely cold.

    e.g. The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year.

2. (行为)温和的,心平气和的,平心静气的
    If a person's behaviour is temperate, it is calm and reasonable, so that they do not get angry or lose their temper easily.

    e.g. His final report to the President was far more temperate and balanced than the earlier memorandum.

temperate 单语例句

1. In the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, transmission of the pandemic influenza virus remains active and geographically widespread.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. In ancient times going out after dark was actively discouraged in order to instill temperate habits in the populace and keep them from harm.

3. temperate

3. The local program will fund research into the nation's subtropical and temperate forests, aiming to strengthen understanding of the relationship between forests and climate change.

4. temperate的意思

4. Due to its location in the temperate zone, visiting tourists enjoy its continental climate.

5. Tianjin is in a temperate, continental monsoonal climate zone with clearly demarcated four seasons.

6. The climate of Heilongjiang is a moderate temperate zone with continental monsoons.

7. It lies in a temperate zone with a continental climate and has distinct seasons.

8. Qingdao lies in the north temperate zone and has a temperate monsoon climate.

9. temperate的解释

9. It features a typical northern temperate continental climate with four distinct seasons.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. The DETDZ has a coastline as long as 44 kilometers and is in a temperate continental monsoon climate.

temperate 英英释义


1. not extreme

    e.g. a moderate penalty
           temperate in his response to criticism

    Synonym: moderate

2. not extreme in behavior

    e.g. temperate in his habits
           a temperate response to an insult
           temperate in his eating and drinking

3. (of weather or climate) free from extremes
    or characteristic of such weather or climate

    e.g. a temperate region
           the temperate zones
           temperate plants
