tell the world

tell the world [tel ðə wɜː(r)ld]  [tɛl ði wɜrld] 

tell the world 基本解释



tell the world 网络解释


1. 公开讲出去; 肯定地说:take the world as one finds it 随遇而安, 听其自然 | tell the world 公开讲出去; 肯定地说 | The world is but a little place, after all. 想不到我们又遇见了; 天涯原咫尺, 此地又逢君.

2. 郑重声明:tell the truth 说实话 | tell the world 郑重声明 | tell time 报时

3. 告诉世界:In a few days, perhaps a few hours.|过不了几天 或者就几个小时 | Tell the world.|告诉世界 | I've retired from that shit.|我已经不再管那屁事了

4. 最喜歡的音樂:最喜歡的電影: okidok | 最喜歡的音樂: tell the world | 最喜歡的電視節目: none

tell the world 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. We also tell the world candidly that the Chinese defense policy is always defensive in nature.

2. tell the world是什么意思

2. China should categorically tell the US to look itself in the mirror, and stopping harping on about China's military threat in the world.


3. The following economic statistics from the International Monetary Fund tell the story of the developed world's declining economic power.

4. This is not the first time Kelly has taken to her twitter page to tell the world about an injury.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Too bad some in the world just can't tell who is friend and who is foe.

6. I would like to tell her and other Chinese writers who share her impression, that writers from all around the world are victims of Google's piracy.

7. He expressed hopes that overseas journalists could provide full Olympic coverage and tell the world the truth about China.

8. For 15 days the world's curious eyes watched a young nation play host and we had many stories to tell.

9. " It's difficult to tell how many people in China will watch the World Cup, " an official from CCTV sports centre told state news agency Xinhua.

10. Japan's education system needs to tell students the truth about World War II.
