
telephone [ˈtelɪfəʊn]  [ˈtelɪfoʊn] 






telephone 基本解释


名词电话; 电话机; (电话机的)话筒; 受话器

及物/不及物动词以电话传送(消息),给(某人)打电话; 用电话与(某人)交谈

telephone 相关词组

1. by telephone : 通过电话;

telephone 相关例句


1. He telephoned me that he couldn't come.

2. She telephoned her father to send money.

3. We telephoned him to come.

4. We telephoned her a greetings on her wedding day.


1. You can telephone for a taxi.


1. You are wanted on the telephone.

telephone 情景对话



B:Please, fill out this application fomp3.

A:Where should I write my (address/ telephone number/ date of birth)?


A:Hello, Elizabeth. How are you?

B:Fine, thanks.

A:Are you sure you’re all right? You look a bit worried today. Is anything wrong?

B:Well, yes, there is something wrong actually. Perhaps you can give me some advice.

A:Of course, if I can.

B:Well, last night when I returned from the theatre, I found that I’d lost my wallet.

A:Oh dear! That’s terrible! What was in your wallet?

B:Well, some money, of course, my visa, all my identity cards and some photos.

A:Well, if I were you, I’d go to the police station straight away and report it.

B:Yes, I’ve already done that, and they said they’d look for it. But we’re leaving soon and I need my visa and identity cards badly.

A:Oh dear! What a pity! Are you sure you lost the wallet in the theatre?

B:Yes, quite sure.

A:I think you should put an advertisement in the China Daily, saying when and where you lost it.

B:But that takes too long.

A:Wait a minute! My uncle lives in Beijing and he lives very close to the theatre. I’ll telephone him and ask him to go there to inquire about it. You’d better have breakfast now and I’ll meet you later.

B:Oh, thank you. I hope he finds it.

telephone 网络解释

1. 电话机:<<电话机>>(Telephone)强强联合,与碧昂丝合作完成,<<我快乐死了>>(So Happy I Could Die)明显是在效仿有着欧陆风尚的电音舞曲,<<亚利桑德罗>>(Alejandro)和当年的爱司基地(Ace Of Base)有几分神似.

2. 打电话:在英语国家,问路(asking the way)可以通过打电话(telephone)、查阅地图(map)来达到(reach)目的. 但是如果你的英语水平不高,最好老老实实地向过路人(passers-by)打听,既省事,又有效.

3. 联系电话:具体信息请通过电子邮件(Email)与我们联系:请提供姓名(Name),联系电话(Telephone)和网站地址(Site URL,if available),并请简要说明广告内容和要求. 请联系我们,我们会尽快和您取得联系.

4. telephone:tel; 电话

telephone 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 电话
    The telephone is the electrical system of communication that you use to talk directly to someone else in a different place. You use the telephone by dialling a number on a piece of equipment and speaking into it.

    e.g. They usually exchanged messages by telephone...
    e.g. I dread to think what our telephone bill is going to be...

2. 电话(机)
    A telephone is the piece of equipment that you use when you talk to someone by telephone.

    e.g. He got up and answered the telephone...
    e.g. The telephone in Rizzoli's room rang.

3. 给…打电话;打电话给
    If you telephone someone, you dial their telephone number and speak to them by telephone.

    e.g. I felt so badly I had to telephone Owen to say I was sorry...
    e.g. They usually telephone first to see if she is at home.

4. 正在打电话
    If you are on the telephone, you are speaking to someone by telephone.

    e.g. Linda remained on the telephone to the police for three hours...
           琳达在电话里和警察谈了 3 个小时。
    e.g. We talked on the telephone for quite a while.

5. 装有电话
    To be on the telephone means to have a telephone in your house or office which is connected to the rest of the telephone system.

    e.g. She wasn't on the telephone...
    e.g. Are you on the telephone at home?

telephone 单语例句

1. telephone

1. A telephone message left with Kim's publicist after regular business hours was not immediately returned.

2. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine's Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.

3. In this year's Spring Festival travel rush, passengers could buy train tickets online or by telephone for the first time.

4. British police informed the families of the victims in East China's Fujian Province by telephone right after the decision to prosecute the three was made.

5. telephone的解释

5. " I couldn't hold my tears, " she said by telephone.

6. " I know nothing about that, " Vieira said by telephone from Morocco.

7. Liu said they usually contact applicants through an online messaging service or by telephone, and then the two parts will sign an agreement if everything goes as planned.


8. Local tribal elders and clerics from Qarabagh district where the Koreans were taken have been conducting negotiations by telephone with the captors for several days.

9. " There are few people on the streets, " Han said by telephone.

10. " This is a real battle, " he said by telephone from Paris.

telephone 英英释义


1. electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds

    e.g. I talked to him on the telephone

    Synonym: phone telephone set

2. telephone的翻译

2. transmitting speech at a distance

    Synonym: telephony


1. get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone

    e.g. I tried to call you all night
           Take two aspirin and call me in the morning

    Synonym: call call up phone ring
