
teleconference [ˈtelikɒnfərəns]  [ˈtelikɑ:nfərəns] 



teleconference 基本解释


teleconference 网络解释

1. 电话会议:新州美华防癌协会将於9月12日(周六)上午10时至中午12时於美华防癌协会Cedar Knolls 办室邀请到张世芬医师免费为民众解读您的验血报告. 当日也将开放电话会议(Teleconference)的方式,让民众也能透过电话询问检查报告相关问题.

2. 遠程會議:[正文 ]随着微电子技术、信息技术的高速发展,信息基础设施日臻完善,Internet已从学术界延伸至寻常百姓家,尤其是近年来多媒体技术的加入,使远距离培训(Teleformation)、远距离医疗(Telemedecine )、远程会议(Teleconference)、远程工作(Tel

3. 电视电话会议:昨日,北京市教育考试招生工作电视电话会议(teleconference)召开,会上强调要确保今年考试安全有序、录取公正廉洁. (选自2006年5月12日<<新京报>>A10版)

4. 电传会议:大家所共享之空间大体上可分为下列四类:(l)物质的空间(Physical space):如办公室、分散的商场,(2)虚拟的空间(virtual space):如电子邮件、电传会议(teleconference),(3)心智的空间(mental space):如大家共同分享的经验、想法与理想,

5. teleconference:teleconf; 电话会议

teleconference 词典解释

1. 电话会议;电视会议
    A teleconference is a meeting involving people in various places around the world who use telephones or video links to communicate with each other.

    e.g. Managers at their factory in Birmingham hold a two-hour teleconference with head office in Stuttgart every day.

...teleconferencing facilities.
teleconference 单语例句

1. The ministry was in regular contact with its Australian counterpart and a teleconference was scheduled for on Wednesday afternoon to try to garner more information.

2. The ministry sent an expert team to Guangdong on Friday and held a national teleconference in which officials explained how they will deploy control measures.

3. teleconference的翻译

3. The Municipal Drug Control Commission announced the registration drive at a teleconference Wednesday.

4. The ICC executive board made a " unanimous " decision in a teleconference after its executive committee made the recommendation last week.

5. TOKYO - Financial ministers from the Group of Seven leading economies are to hold a teleconference Monday to discuss world market stability.

6. He made the remarks during a keynote speech at a national teleconference on accelerating government reform.

7. " I'm not sure if London is going to be kind in terms of the temperature, " Mills told an international teleconference.

8. teleconference什么意思

8. He was speaking at a teleconference in Beijing on Wednesday, organized to map out the work plan for the taxation system.

9. " They're still so very very proud of their mommy, " she said in a teleconference.

10. Food safety in rural areas will be put high on the government agenda, said Wu at a teleconference to rectify market order.

teleconference 英英释义



1. a conference of people who are in different locations that is made possible by the use of such telecommunications equipment as closed-circuit television

    Synonym: teleconferencing
