






teetered 基本解释
濒临;摇晃地站立或移动( teeter的过去式和过去分词 );<美>玩跷跷板;处在边缘;
teetered 双语例句

1. Models, almost completely submerged in cocooning swaths of brocade, taffeta and exploding chiffon flounces, teetered along on vertiginous platforms.
    模式,几乎完全被淹没在结茧swaths的锦缎,塔夫绸和爆炸戚风flounces ,teetered一直对眩晕平台。

2. The owner agreed to take us out himself – along with his giant Bouvier water dog named Bear, who teetered on the edge of the raft and stared casually down into the swift current as we floated.

3. Major financial institutions have teetered on the edge of collapse, and some have failed.

4. One house teetered drunkenly, half in, half out of the sea.

5. One house teetered drunkenly, half out of the sea.

6. I was brought up in an Italian immigrant family with a work ethic that teetered on the verge of slave labour.


7. Even so, the bank teetered on November 24th.

8. In the wake of the Asian financial crisis in 1997 many of these projects were unable to service their debts and the country's banking system teetered on the brink of collapse.

9. With every gust of wind the school building teetered one way, then tottered back the other.

10. His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.


11. As I stood outside its brokenness that day nearly a year ago, chiding the sea, a solitary black high-heeled sandal of mine teetered on a broken slab of concrete.

12. Applied research on teetered bed separator for coarse slime separation

13. Based on the above analysis, the improved distributor and the feeder structure could be applied to optimize the teetered bed separator of the coarse slime.

14. Based on separation theory and equipment, introduces TBS (Teetered Bed Separator) and CrossFlow Separator and RC (Reflux Classifier) respectively, and application in processing fine coal. According to the analysis, fluidization bed separation is an advanced technology for separating fine coal.

15. Fake-jewel - encrusted glasses teetered on the tip of her nose, gray hair was piled on her head.

16. Italy's centre-left government teetered after two small parties withdrew their support.


17. He is referring to the US central bank-orchestrated rescue of the Bear Stearns investment bank, which teetered on the brink of bankruptcy because of loan losses.


18. The score teetered to double-hill when Robles broke and potted the 9 ball in the bottom corner pocket.

19. Dimon has indeed steered his ship toward the money waterfall while others nearly capsized and have teetered since.

20. Germany invaded Poland and the rest of the world teetered before joining the war.
