
technically [ˈteknɪkli]  [ˈtɛknɪkl:ɪ] 

technically 基本解释

副词技术上; 学术上; 专业上; 严格说来

technically 相关例句


1. He was technically in breach of contract.

2. It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible.

technically 网络解释

1. 技术上而言:marquis 侯爵 | technically 技术上而言 | science 科学

2. 技术上来说:Are you and Julie not having sex?|你与茱莉还没有发生关系? | Technically?|技术上来说? | No.|没有

3. 在理论上:technically 在理论上 | confidential 机密 | compromise 边累/损害

technically 词典解释

1. 严格说来;准确来说
    If something is technically the case, it is the case according to a strict interpretation of facts, laws, or rules, but may not be important or relevant in a particular situation.

    e.g. Nude bathing is technically illegal but there are plenty of unspoilt beaches where no one would ever know...
    e.g. Technically, the two sides have been in a state of war ever since 1949.
           准确来说,双方自 1949 年起就一直处于交战状态。

technically 单语例句

1. technically

1. A better understanding of the changing dynamics of the market structure helps us to decide which of the technically calculated targets are higher probability targets.

2. China has set a March deadline to establish its first jumbo passenger aircraft company, as it moves to positions itself among countries technically capable of manufacturing large jets.


3. Eventually the site proved to be too expensive and technically challenging for Samara, the Soviet reserve capital during World War II.

4. technically在线翻译

4. Some other proposals to recycle dredged sediments such as in the manufacture of pottery, ceramic tile and as fill material were also proved to be technically feasible.

5. technically的翻译

5. Technically speaking, the " poverty clause " doesn't seem practical.

6. It is also endeavoring to expand the scale of training for NCOs and foster intermediate and senior NCOs qualified for technically complex posts.

7. The advent of fuel cell will also eliminate environmental pollutions because technically speaking, it is the cleanest form of energy.

8. But fighting online perpetrators has proven difficult for authorities who are grappling with what could technically be considered a crime in cyberspace.

9. In public Putin has deferred to the president, technically a senior post to the prime minister.

10. Experience shows that technically parents cannot do anything even if they find any information to their dislike as a micro blog follower of their children.

technically 英英释义



1. with regard to technical skill and the technology available

    e.g. a technically brilliant solution

2. with regard to technique

    e.g. technically lagging behind the Japanese
           a technically brilliant boxer

3. according to the exact meaning
    according to the facts

    e.g. technically, a bank's reserves belong to the stockholders
           technically, the term is no longer used by experts
