tear away

tear away [tiə əˈwei]  [tɛr əˈwe] 

tear away 基本解释
tear away 网络解释

1. 疾驰:tear at 撕扯 | tear away 疾驰 | tear bomb 催泪弹

2. 撕开:└strong wind强风 | ┌tear away撕开 | ├tear up撕碎

3. 撕掉,扯开:talk about讲,谈论,交谈 | tear away撕掉,扯开 | tear up扯碎,拔起

4. 勉强使...离开:tear at 撕,扯 | tear away 勉强使...离开 | tear down 拆卸, 拆除

tear away 单语例句

1. The forward sustained the injury in Tuesday's Champions League away goals defeat against Liverpool, and club doctors said that a scan had ruled out a muscle tear.

2. They also feature traditional massages and healthy meals, so it's hard to tear oneself away from the pleasures on offer.

3. The government will be merely an armchair strategist if it can't tear itself away from tobacco money.

4. tear away的近义词

4. Protesters run away from tear gas during clashes with police outside the Lebanese government offices in Beirut on Sunday.

5. Tear one open, place it on a table at a bar and friends can pick away.

6. Nowadays, many people throw their shoes away even when they show only slight wear and tear.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. But he seems unable to tear himself away from the sport and the limelight.

tear away 英英释义


1. rip off violently and forcefully

    e.g. The passing bus tore off her side mirror

    Synonym: tear off
