







tattoos 基本解释
文身( tattoo的名词复数 );归营鼓;军队夜间表演操;连续有节奏的敲击声;刺青,文身( tattoo的第三人称单数 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击;
tattoos 网络解释

1. 纹身:3 纹身(tattoos)为人为刺入染料:常采用针刺的方法将染料刺入皮肤,可形成各种色彩、各种图案. 专业染料主要有胭脂、氧化铁、硫化汞、甲基蓝等,经专业加工,附着能力强,难以消退或去除形成外源性色素沉着症. 非专业染料有龙胆紫、墨汁、炭末、姜黄等.

2. 刺青:朋克一族的另一大特点就是在身体上刺青(tattoos)和穿孔(body piercings). 他们在鼻子、耳垂、嘴唇、眉毛甚至舌头上穿洞挂环,饰以 ......

3. 身躯纹身:-SCARS:身体伤痕 | -TATTOOS:身躯纹身 | -EDIT LAYERS:编辑细化图层

4. 身体上有没有什么标记?刺青、疤痕、胎痣什么的:- How did you hear about me? - People.|- 你怎么会知道我的? - 别人介绍的 | Any distinguishing marks? Tattoos, scars, birthmarks?|身体上有没有什么标记?刺青、疤痕、胎痣什么的? | No. I don't think so.|没有

tattoos 单语例句

1. tattoos

1. Okay, now calm down for one Kaya loves tattoos - fake tattoos.

2. Marines take their tattoos very seriously, and the latest edict from Commandant General James Conway is likely to cause some grumbling.

3. China's annual winter army conscription is underway with lower standards set to allow recruits with small tattoos and excessive weight to enlist.

4. Some say that because facial tattoos were the main adornment for women, tattoos made them more beautiful.

5. Dusk is the time to check in your bike and explore Ximending, where trends are set and tattoos inked.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Even staff members at a tattoo shop on Dongsi Street reported that more customers were asking for tattoos featuring a solar eclipse or sun pattern.

7. English tattoos generally cost 30 percent more than Chinese characters of the same size, says the eponymous owner of Longyan studio.

8. tattoos

8. Lin has five tattoos, one of which reads " FF ".

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. Many tattoo artists from other provinces were on hand to give fans tattoos at the convention.

10. Have tattoos all the way around the arm from the shoulders to the wrist, like a shirtsleeve.
