taste sensation

taste sensation [teist senˈseiʃən]  [test sɛnˈseʃən] 

taste sensation 基本解释
taste sensation 网络解释

1. 味觉:taste quality 味质 | taste sensation 味觉 | taste sense 味觉

2. 新鲜:Dou you like your hometown?你喜欢你的家乡吗? | 02-25 taste sensation 新鲜 | crab 螃蟹

taste sensation 单语例句

1. taste sensation

1. The smooth tasting duck liver imparts an even better taste sensation to the classic dish.

2. Both the vegetables and jelly are diced, to give a surprise taste sensation.

3. Here's the new taste sensation - your tongue might be able to taste calcium.

4. Dahongpao is an old tea lovers'favorite because of its powerful taste and the strong sensation it creates on the palate.

5. Green tea roast beef slices offer an interesting taste sensation - crisp at the sides, with a tender center.

taste sensation 英英释义

taste sensation的意思


1. the sensation that results when taste buds in the tongue and throat convey information about the chemical composition of a soluble stimulus

    e.g. the candy left him with a bad taste
           the melon had a delicious taste

    Synonym: taste gustatory sensation taste perception gustatory perception
