taste of

taste of [teist ɔv]  [test ʌv] 

taste of 基本解释


taste of 网络解释


1. 有...味道(或气息):talk with 与...交谈,试图说服 | taste of 有...味道(或气息) | teach a lesson 给...一个教训

2. 有...味道,体验,感到:252、talk over 详尽地商议,商量,讨论,说服,议论 | 253、taste of 有...味道,体验,感到 | 254、tell from 区别,辨别,认出

3. 体验:taste bud 味蕾 | taste of 体验 | taste 品尝

4. 有...味道:in good taste 格调高的 | taste of 有...味道 | to one's taste 合乎某人的口味

taste of 单语例句

1. taste of什么意思

1. She picked two pieces of butter into our cups and said, " It will taste better if you put some salt in your butter tea ".

2. And those who buy an ice cream worth over 20 yuan can have a free taste of any of La Perla's ice creams.

3. While a reindeer jumper might not be to everyone's taste, it seems savvy Britons recognize the value of a good deal.

4. Judging by the scale and design of his property, one has the impression that he was a tremendously wealthy man with expansive taste.

5. Or why not show him a taste of the daily trials and tribulations of Beijing's working class by riding the subway during rush hour.

6. taste of是什么意思

6. Confirming the existence of calcium taste receptors in people will require scientists to look at fresh human tongues.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. At Gelato diners can have a taste of each ice cream flavor before deciding which one to buy.

8. It had a totally different taste from the usual Sichuan dishes with their rich and strong flavours and was instead reminiscent of Cantonese food.

9. Controlled rural urbanization gives farmers a taste of the good life, reports Zhu Zhou in Hangzhou.

10. We are lucky to get a taste of the good life at the Atlantis before the film premieres in October.
