
talent [ˈtælənt]  [ˈtælənt] 


talent 基本解释

名词天资,才能; 天才,人才; 塔兰特,古代的一种计量单位,可用来记重量或作为货币单位; <旧,非正式>性感的人

talent 相关例句


1. She is a new diving talent.

2. There was a lack of local talent, so they hired an actor from London.

3. He had a talent for music.

4. My sister has a talent for music.

talent 情景对话



A:You have a lovely house, Jack.

B:Thank you. Yeah, it's home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately.

A:That's too bad. What problems are you having?

B:Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.

A:I've studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?

B:Go right ahead.

A:Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room.

B:Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions.

A:You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help.

talent 网络解释


1. 演员:作品中,姜智远律师、电视演员(talent)单于在德,电影演员文姬,城南艺术中心社长李钟德等将友情客串出演. (咨询 : 031-783-8233, www.snart.or.kr)Heyri扬眉吐气了,正是因为Heyri的艺人们铺开了大场面. 自9月8日(周六)到9月30日(周日)止,

talent 词典解释

1. 天资;天赋
    Talent is the natural ability to do something well.

    e.g. She is proud that both her children have a talent for music...
    e.g. The player was given hardly any opportunities to show off his talents...

talent 单语例句

1. talent

1. But finding the right talent for the new business was a problem for Sun, a newcomer to the machine tool sector.

2. The creative industry refers to business sectors that rely on individual creativity, skill and talent and creates wealth and jobs.

3. talent什么意思

3. Chen frequently demonstrates her talent on TV programs and in shows and is known as the world's quickest human calculator.

4. The move demonstrates that western provinces still have a long way to go before the region becomes a magnet for talent of the highest calibre.

5. When production companies send out a casting call for extras, agents at the actors'union look into their databases to match talent to roles.

6. talent

6. The index shows whether a city has attracted capital and talent, and whether it is active in global economics.

7. This talent will continue to provide technological support to the nation's carbon fiber industry.

8. talent的解释

8. Meryl Streep continued her acting career and still gets Oscar nominations due to her outstanding talent.

9. The'Gandhi'actor attacked movie bosses who hire young people for their looks and casts them aside when audiences see they have no talent.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. But the controversial reality show aimed at casting the new series has failed to find a talent for the main male lead.

talent 英英释义



1. natural abilities or qualities

    Synonym: endowment gift natural endowment

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity
