take to task

take to task [teik tu: tɑ:sk]  [tek tu tæsk] 

take to task 基本解释

(为失误等而)责备(某人); 难

take to task 单语例句

1. My immediate task to find the ticket office did not take long after the woman at the information desk gave me directions.

2. take to task的反义词

2. And each team member is encouraged to take initiative in each task to display his or her potential to full effect.

3. take to task

3. In the meantime one crucial task for the environmental authority is to warn the public of smog so they can take precautions.

4. take to task的近义词

4. The task for China now is to decide what steps it should take to ensure that its efforts are no longer misunderstood.

5. Could you say a few words about how you decided to take on this task?

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps.

7. take to task的解释

7. To regain the trust and confidence of the people is no easy task but it is a step that the government must take.

8. Hence, it should take all necessary measures to defuse the crisis and take TEPCO to task.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Asian states rarely take Russia to task over its economic and democratic standards.

10. " We shall take it our major task to help promote the development of our country, " Jia said.

take to task 英英释义


1. censure severely or angrily

    e.g. The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
           The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
           The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup

    Synonym: call on the carpet rebuke rag trounce reproof lecture reprimand jaw dress down call down scold chide berate bawl out remonstrate chew out chew up have words lambaste lambast
