take things easy

take things easy

take things easy 基本解释
take things easy 网络解释

take things easy的近义词

1. 沉住气, 慢慢来, 别急 轻轻松松 [美俚]再见:take things as they come 随遇而安, 安于现状, 对一切事情处之泰然 | take things easy 沉住气, 慢慢来, 别急 轻轻松松 [美俚]再见 | taking one thing with another 从各种情况来考虑;权衡得失;总的说来

2. 放轻松:22.Fall on deaf ears 不加理睬的, 不听取 | 23.Take things easy 放轻松 | 24.Eat like a horse 吃得很多

3. 休息;放松:take the problem up with 向某人提出问题要求处理,要求解决 | take things easy 休息;放松 | take time off 抽出时间

4. 不宜执着:心情紊乱:Confused state of mind | 不宜执着:Take things easy | 少管闲事:Don't be meddlesome

take things easy 单语例句

1. Pretty soon our officials will learn to take things easy and smile, just like when confronted with unusual dishes at a banquet.
