take the stand

take the stand [teik ðə stænd]  [tek ði stænd] 

take the stand 基本解释

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take the stand 网络解释

1. [美]出庭作证; 为...担保:take the stand [美]出庭作证; 为...担保 | witness stand 证人席 | stand abashed 感到羞愧, 感到拘促不安

2. 到证人席作证,出庭作证 到证人席作证,出庭作证:take issue 提出异议,反对 提出异议 | take the stand 到证人席作证,出庭作证 到证人席作证,出庭作证 | tampering with a witness 干扰证人 干扰证人

3. 到证人席作证,出庭作证:take issue 提出异议,反对 | take the stand 到证人席作证,出庭作证 | tampering with a witness 干扰证人

4. 到证人席作证、出庭作证 到证人席作证、出庭作证:take issue 提出异议、反对 提出异议、反对 | take the stand 到证人席作证、出庭作证 到证人席作证、出庭作证 | tampering with a witness 干扰证人 干扰证人

take the stand 单语例句

1. Although Jackson did not take the stand, the defense used a powerful tape of him shot by his own video cameraman.

2. And even if one is fully conversant with the language, it may take some effort to figure out what all those abbreviations stand for.

3. take the stand的反义词

3. What the Iraqi people may stand to gain from this meeting will in no way alter the rocky road they were forced to take.

4. Instead of pandering to domestic hawkish views and picking fights with its neighbors, the new Japanese leadership should take a more rational stand on foreign policy.

5. Filipino Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario on Sunday urged other nations to " take a stand " on China's latest move in the Huangyan Island dispute.

6. take the stand的解释

6. Villa owner Randy Lerner has indicated that he will not stand in his way if he wants to take on the role.

7. Let us not forget that as the US'representative in China Locke is likely to take a tough stand on some of China's policies.

8. US President Bush has declined to take a stand on the issue, saying he will await the CFIUS review process.

9. The first witness to take the stand on Monday said she did not want her name or face to be identified.

10. take the stand

10. But the celebrities could still take the stand if any of the members of the Bling Ring go to trial.

take the stand 英英释义


1. give testimony in a court of law

    Synonym: testify attest bear witness
