take pictures

take pictures[teik ˈpiktʃəz] 

take pictures 基本解释
take pictures 网络解释


1. 照相:13.make model cars 制作汽车模型 | 14.take pictures 照相 | 15.grow roses 种植玫瑰

2. 拍照:walking in the countryside 在乡间散步 | take pictures 拍照 | play cards 打扑克

3. 拍照片--退可皮可切实:climber 登山者--可来么 | take pictures 拍照片--退可皮可切实 | watch insects观察昆虫 --我妻荫蛇可吃

4. 照:New Yea新年 | take pictures照 | play with 和......玩

take pictures 单语例句

1. After Howard sought his permission to take his pictures, the man took Howard by surprise.

2. From then on, the cabby began to take pictures of passengers for free and emails them.

3. When the newlyweds went to take pictures, they must chant Mao's quotes and wear Mao badges.

4. She attended Scripps College in Claremont but left school to take a job as a messenger at Columbia Pictures.

5. In the bird enclosure you can take pictures with colourful parrots or marvel at their talents.

6. The computers control the cameras to take pictures of the sky automatically and send them to his computer at home.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Army radio broadcasts are reminding soldiers to be friendly and courteous, especially to children and anyone who wants to take pictures with them.

8. Amateur photographer Luan Yuwei used to travel to East China's Shandong province to take pictures of swans.

9. Citizens elbowed their way through the crowds to take pictures in front of a giant flowerpot and colorful floats on the square.

10. He was always sent to take pictures for all important assignments to follow stars and tycoons.
