take over

take over [teik ˈəuvə]  [tek ˈovɚ] 

take over 基本解释

接管; 带; 帮…学习; 在…上花费

take over 情景对话



A:I was thinking of starting my own business.

B:What kind?

A:I know you wanted me to take over your restaurant business, but to be honest, I can’t stand working in the food industry.

B:Don’t worry, I knew that about you a long time ago.

A:I thought maybe you and dad could loan me some money to open a skate boarding shop.

B:That’s possible. Do you have a business plan?

A:Not in writing, but I’ve thought of all the preliminary details.

B:So what would you sell?

A:We’d sell skateboards, clothing, shoes, and accessories.

B:What would make your shop different from the others’?

A:I thought we could make our own T-shirts.
      我们可以制作我们自己的T 恤。

B:It sounds OK to me, but you’ll have to talk to your father about this, too.


A:Good morning, sir. I just came to China and I can't read Chinese. Could you please help me?

B:My pleasure. What can I do for you?

A:Oh, I want to change some money, but I do not know how to fill out the exchange form.

B:Would you mind showing me your passport? Also, please write down your name on the paper.

A:Here you are. My name is Jones.

B:Alright. I will fill out the exchange form for you now. You can take a seat over there for a moment.

A:Sure. Thanks.

B:Hello, Ms. Jones. Are you planning to reconvert your unused Chinese money back into American dollars?

A:Yes, if I have some left.

B:If I may offer a suggestion, please keep your exchange form.

A:OK, I will. Thank you.

B:You are welcome.

take over 网络解释

1. 接管:在经济学中,兼并可泛指一切能够导致企业相结合或者相关联的行为,如公司新设合并(Consolidation)、吸收合并(Merger)、收购(Acquisition)、接管(Take Over)等,故人们有时亦称其为企业并购(Mergers and Acquisitions).

take over 词典解释
take over什么意思

1. 接收,接管(公司)
    If you take over a company, you get control of it, for example by buying its shares.

    e.g. A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.

2. (武力)占领,接管,控制
    If someone takes over a country or building, they get control of it by force, for example with the help of the army.

    e.g. The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate...
    e.g. The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards.

3. 接替;接任;接手
    If you take over a job or role or if you take over, you become responsible for the job after someone else has stopped doing it.

    e.g. His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six London theatres...
           他的遗孀已接手管理他创下的帝国,其中包括 6 家伦敦剧院。
    e.g. In 1966, Pastor Albertz took over from him as governing mayor...
           1966 年,帕斯特·艾伯茨接替他担任主管市长。

4. 取代;代替;占上风
    If one thing takes over from something else, it becomes more important, successful, or powerful than the other thing, and eventually replaces it.

    e.g. Cars gradually took over from horses...
    e.g. When the final vote came, rationality took over.

5. see also: takeover

take over 单语例句

1. Business organizers will take over the organization of the expo in accordance with market principles, said Liu.

2. While the'Skinny Genes'singer is very busy with her work, she is relishing the chance to finally take a holiday over the festive season.

3. take over在线翻译

3. That effort will take precedence over buying back shares, he said.

4. She said her agency will keep close watch over the development and is discussing with Chinese producers about whether to take action to defend themselves.

5. The right to privacy cannot override the law, nor can it take precedence over the greater interests of society.

6. A cardinal should take over interim powers until there is a new pope.

7. Siemens'leadership change has triggered widespread reflection over where the business should take its next step.

8. Next up will be a clash over whether big banks should be forced to take back billions of dollars in contaminated mortgages they sold.

9. After Poly Group took over, the theater began to take a close look at the performance market.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. Federal prosecutors are seeking an injunction to close Congonhas until the investigation is over, a process expected to take months.

take over 英英释义



1. take up, as of debts or payments

    e.g. absorb the costs for something

    Synonym: absorb

2. danci.911cha.com

2. take over ownership of
    of corporations and companies

    Synonym: buy out buy up

3. take over什么意思

3. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force
    take as one's right or possession

    e.g. He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town
           he usurped my rights
           She seized control of the throne after her husband died

    Synonym: assume usurp seize arrogate

4. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person

    e.g. I'll accept the charges
           She agreed to bear the responsibility

    Synonym: bear accept assume

5. take up and practice as one's own

    Synonym: adopt borrow take up

6. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities

    e.g. When will the new President assume office?

    Synonym: assume adopt take on

7. free someone temporarily from his or her obligations

    Synonym: relieve

8. take over

8. do over

    e.g. They would like to take it over again

    Synonym: repeat
