take it easy

take it easy [teik it ˈi:zi]  [tek ɪt ˈizi] 

take it easy 基本解释


不紧张; 松懈; 不生气; 不激动等

take it easy 情景对话


A:Hi, Bob! We’ve been working hard at our lessons for a fortnight. So why don’t we take it easy his weekend?

B:Okay! What do you suggest?

A:How about seeing a play? I hear Hamlet is on at the National Theater.
      去看一场戏怎么样? 我听说国家剧场在上演《哈姆雷特》。

B:Is that so? Why not?

A:(Looking at a newspaper.) Oh, dear me! There’s no performance at the National theater this weekend. So we have to go to cinema instead.

B:What’s on?

A:Let me see…um, Gone With the Wind. It is on at six cinemas on Saturday night.

B:That sounds interesting. Which is the nearest?

A:Ah, The Royal, I think.

B:What time does it start?

A:Why don’t we go to the 7:30 show? It is convenient to us, I think.
      我们可以去看7:30 那一场好吗?我想时间很合适。

B:But we won’t have enough time for dinner.

A:Do you want to go the earlier or the later show?

B:Ah… I fancy going the later show.

A:Then, there’s the 9:30 show.
      那就看9:30 那一场吧。

B:That’s Okay, I think.

A:All right.

take it easy 网络解释

1. 轻松一点:这群1947年、1948年出生的二十来岁的小伙子一出手便令大众刮目相看,四个人都擅长写词谱曲,都擅长演唱,因此在1972年乐队首张单曲<<轻松一点>>(Take it Easy)便遍扫全美,排行榜第十二.

2. 别紧张:67. No one knows . 没有人知道. | 68. Take it easy. 别紧张. | 69. What a pity! 太遗憾了!

take it easy 单语例句

1. Shanghai is in love - a fact that should let Cupid relax and take it easy for a while.

2. Some lawmakers called for a special session last year, saying the error would make it easy for pedophiles to take advantage of the law.

3. But the courtyard environment and bookshelves work together to create a space where it's easy to take your mind off the rat race and relax.

4. I feel for Arsene, it's never easy to take when you concede so late on.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. It's not easy for a financier to take responsibility in some meaningful, useful way.

6. Will you continue this lifestyle or take it easy from now on?

7. You may experience altitude sickness the first two days, so take it easy.

8. When we talk about that in the abstract, it's easy sometimes for the discussion to take on a feeling of'us'versus them.

9. Take it easy this evening, perhaps with a massage from your partner or vice versa.

10. Even if they do reverberate around the ground, we should all take it easy.

take it easy 英英释义

take it easy什么意思


1. settle into a comfortable sitting position

    Synonym: sit back
