take for granted

take for granted [teik fɔ: ˈgrɑ:ntɪd]  [tek fɔr ˈɡræntɪd] 

take for granted 基本解释

认为…理所当然, 想当然; 轻信

take for granted 单语例句

1. take for granted

1. Some MBAs often say " My classmate has a salary of so much ", and take it for granted that they themselves ought to get the same.

2. take for granted什么意思

2. Like this example there are so many people we take for granted and who we never quite managed to thank even though we meant to.

3. We get about six to 10 major snowstorms in Montreal over a typical winter and we take it for granted sometimes.

4. Some officials take it for granted that it is not a crime to squander public money in eating and drinking unless they pocket the money.

5. We simply cannot take it for granted that they are not that essential to our existence.

6. We should never take for granted that time will solve all of East Asia's problems.

7. They take it for granted that they will make mistakes, unless they don't do any work.

8. Many take it for granted that an economic boom will automatically propel development in all areas of society.

9. take for granted什么意思

9. It is wrong to take for granted that most Internet users are easily attracted by sensational headlines.

10. take for granted的意思

10. We should never take it for granted that everything our Western counterparts have done is right.

take for granted 英英释义


1. take for granted

1. take to be the case or to be true
    accept without verification or proof

    e.g. I assume his train was late

    Synonym: assume presume
