take back

take back [teik bæk]  [tek bæk] 

take back 基本解释

take back的近义词

收回; 取回; (使)回忆起; 领回

take back 相关例句



1. She finally took back her words.

take back 情景对话

Exchanges and Returns-(换货和退货)

A:Hi, there’s a problem with this stereo. I’d like to return it, please.

B:What’s the problem?

A:The tape player doesn’t work.

B:O.K. Do you have your receipt?

A:Yes, here you are.

B:Thank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?

A:I think I’d like to just get another stereo, please.

B:O.K. Here’s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you.

A:Thanks a lot.

B:No problem. Thank you.

take back 网络解释

take back在线翻译

1. 收回:法律规定了四大类家电的循环再利用率指标(循环再利用率=被循环再用物料的重量 / 用于循环再用的单元的重量),2008年后,各类家电再生利用率指标均应达80%. (2) 家用电器的零售商:收集(collect)和运输废旧电器从废弃家电的商业机构收回(take back)其销售的家用电器;

2. 拿回:将是非常困难的,且可能造成如同囚犯困境中纳许(Nash)解一般无效率的情况,此乃讯息不产之评价高於乙,也就是说,这是甲的买卖选择权,让其有拿回(take back)的侵权者有拿回(retake)的权利,会造成无止尽的相互的侵夺(reciprocal takings),

3. 拉拍:tactics 战术 | take-back 拉拍 | tennis 网球运动/网球

4. 收回(说错的话使回忆起:take aback 使吃惊,使困惑 | take back 收回(说错的话使回忆起 | take in 接受,接纳,吸收;包括;领会,理解;欺骗

take back 词典解释

1. 退回;退还;归还
    If you take something back, you return it to the place where you bought it or where you borrowed it from, because it is unsuitable or broken, or because you have finished with it.

    e.g. If I buy something and he doesn't like it I'll take it back...
    e.g. I went to the library and took your books back...

2. 收回,撤回(所说的话或想法)
    If you take something back, you admit that something that you said or thought is wrong.

    e.g. I take it back, I think perhaps I am an extrovert...
    e.g. Take back what you said about Jeremy!

3. take back

3. 让…回家;准许…回来
    If you take someone back, you allow them to come home again, after they have gone away because of a quarrel or other problem.

    e.g. Why did she take him back?...
    e.g. The government has agreed to take back those people who are considered economic rather than political refugees.

4. 使回想起;使回忆起
    If you say that something takes you back, you mean that it reminds you of a period of your past life and makes you think about it again.

    e.g. I enjoyed experimenting with colours — it took me back to being five years old...
           我喜欢尝试各种颜色——它使我感觉像是又回到了 5 岁的时候。
    e.g. This takes me back.

take back 单语例句

1. They were hoping the two women would take the infant back because the potential buyer in Hebei Province complained he was not healthy enough.

2. That effort will take precedence over buying back shares, he said.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Passengers will take the " three direct links " back to Fuzhou by way of Jinmen and Xiamen.

4. If we cannot do take punitive action, can we at least change our negotiation language and go back to basics?

5. Society's discrimination may become the straw that breaks the camel's back, driving them to take revenge on society.

6. Governments of the two countries this week are holding talks on lifting the ban, but it could take a great deal of assurance to win back Japanese consumers.

7. Next up will be a clash over whether big banks should be forced to take back billions of dollars in contaminated mortgages they sold.

8. Power began to come back in some cities as afternoon turned to evening, but officials said full restoration would take much longer.

9. I suffered a lot there and moved back to Beijing in 1987 to take a decent job at the Palace Museum.

10. It would take a long while before the money spent on the infrastructure projects make a circle back to the urban consumer market.

take back 英英释义

take back


1. take back是什么意思

1. cause someone to remember the past

    e.g. This photo takes me back to the good old days

2. take back what one has said

    e.g. He swallowed his words

    Synonym: swallow unsay withdraw

3. move text to the previous line
    in printing

4. take back的翻译

4. bring back to the point of departure

    Synonym: return bring back

5. regain possession of something

    Synonym: repossess

6. danci.911cha.com

6. resume a relationship with someone after an interruption, as in a wife taking back her husband
