take a chance

take a chance [teik ə tʃɑ:ns]  [tek e tʃæns] 

take a chance 基本解释


冒险; 碰运气

take a chance 相关例句


1. We will take a chance with the weather and go for a picnic.

take a chance 网络解释

1. 冒险,投机:switch on (用开关)开启 | take a chance 冒险,投机 | take a dislike to 讨厌

2. 冒一下险:be on good terms with sb.与某人友好 | take a chance冒一下险 | clean up打扫;清除

take a chance 单语例句

1. While the'Skinny Genes'singer is very busy with her work, she is relishing the chance to finally take a holiday over the festive season.

2. take a chance在线翻译

2. Exactly how the government will curb car sales is unclear, although many potential buyers are unwilling to take a chance by waiting to find out.

3. People who focus on failures of selling or take them too personally have a slim chance to make it to the top.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Men appeared more willing to take a chance on Latham and Labour - which has lost the past three elections - Pearce said.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. There is a great chance for Chinese construction companies to take part in this process through electronic public procedures.

6. At first he moved to the Alsace, later to Rully before seizing a chance to take part in the rebirth of Vezelay.

7. You must be stupid if you see a chance to win gold but don't work hard enough to take it.

8. " It will provide a good chance for Shandong's economy to take off, " an unnamed official said.

9. The Americans arrived in Melbourne on Friday and got their first chance to take a few laps in the temporary pool at Rod Laver Arena.

10. We had the chance to take a small look in their real life and received a very warm welcome.

take a chance 英英释义


1. take a chance

1. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome

    e.g. When you buy these stocks you are gambling

    Synonym: gamble chance risk hazard take chances adventure run a risk
