
tailor-made [ˌteɪləˈmeɪd]  [ˌtelɚˈmed] 

tailor-made 基本解释

形容词(衣服)定制的,定做的,度身定做的; 缝制得讲究的; 样式和裁制讲究的,大方的; (为某一目的)特制的

tailor-made 相关例句



1. He's tailor-made for this job.

tailor-made 网络解释


1. 定做的:太高兴了,我的宴宴换了新的跑鞋,是FORGIATO出厂的,这个厂家是在美国,最牛的是他们是为顾客定做的,(tailor made)是根据不同车,不同尺寸,颜色,细节是可以根据客户的需要定做的,当然价格也不是盖的,

2. 订制:这些产品的销售增长与城市人口密度以及运输网络的发展息息相关,国内二三线城市的高速发展,对集团来说是一大商机. 目前,由於产品以度身订制(tailor made) 为主,缺少经济规模效益,致使上海集优的电动机业务经营利润率偏低,集团现正进行标准化以提升营运效率.

3. 度身定做:我可以不想在实验室里面对着瓶瓶罐罐度过一生. 4.将招聘广告上的要求写到你的简历里. 比如广告里要求应聘者有良好的数据分析能力,那么你不妨在简历中写自己有良好的分析能力. 获得面试的简历都是根据公司和职位度身定做(tailor made)的.

4. 裁缝制的, 特制的:operating result accounts 业务成果帐户 | tailor-made 裁缝制的, 特制的 | mechanical horsepower 机械马力

tailor-made 词典解释

1. 专门制作的;定制的;特制的
    If something is tailor-made, it has been specially designed for a particular person or purpose.

    e.g. ...tailor-made itineraries for tourists seeking something more individual than packaged holidays...
    e.g. Each client's portfolio is tailor-made.

2. 极其适合的;恰到好处的
    If you say that someone or something is tailor-made for a particular task, purpose, or need, you are emphasizing that they are perfectly suitable for it.

    e.g. He was tailor-made, it was said, for the task ahead...
    e.g. These questions were tailor-made for Professor Posner.

3. (衣服)量身定做的,量体裁成的
    Tailor-made clothes have been specially made to fit a particular person.

    e.g. He was wearing a tweed suit that looked tailor-made.
    e.g. ...his expensive tailor-made shirt.

tailor-made 英英释义


1. tailor-made

1. custom-made clothing


1. (of clothing) custom-made

    Synonym: bespoke bespoken made-to-order tailored
