tag line

tag line [tæɡ lain]  [tæɡ laɪn] 

第三人称复数:tag lines

tag line 基本解释

tag line什么意思


tag line 网络解释


1. 口号:用户需要知道您的网站是做什么的. 如果不在主页上告诉用户网站是做什么的,大多数人没有时间(或兴趣) 尝试自己找出一个网站是做什么的. 一个简单的口号(Tag Line)、使用图形、网站的名称,或使用任何其他一些让新用户能了解网站的元素.

2. 抓斗稳定索:tagged atom 示踪原子 | tag-line 抓斗稳定索 | tague 象牙棕榈果

3. 收尾语:tag end 末端 | tag line 收尾语 | tag team 职业性摔角

4. 标签绳:taffrail 尾栏杆 | tag line 标签绳 | tag marking 特征记号

tag line 词典解释

1. (广告的)口号,主题句;(笑话末尾的)妙语,包袱
    The tag line of something such as a television commercial or a joke is the phrase that comes at the end and is meant to be amusing or easy to remember.

tag line 单语例句

1. The price tag may have shocked some applicants, but the decision was in line with the general trend in the nation's business schools.

2. Our record label keeps trying to saddle us with a tag line but we've resisted because nothing really seems to fit.

3. tag line什么意思

3. Imagine a marketing campaign with a provocative tag line that is lapped up by the world media and netizens.

4. And then a tag line comes up saying this person comes with an employee referral.

tag line 英英释义



1. the point of a joke or humorous story

    Synonym: punch line laugh line gag line
