
tactful [ˈtæktfl]  [ˈtæktfəl] 

tactful 基本解释


形容词婉转; 得体的; 机智的,机敏的; 老练的,圆滑的

tactful 网络解释


1. 机智的:37.successful成功的 | 38.tactful机智的 | 39.trustworthy可信赖的

2. 机敏的(圆滑的):sensitive 敏感的 | mature成熟的 | tactful机敏的圆滑的

3. 真圆滑:...the last bitch on earth.|我也不会对你摇尾巴 | ...tactful?|...真圆滑? | Sparrow, I repeat.|斯派洛,我重覆一次

tactful 词典解释

1. tactful的意思

1. 有分寸的;考虑周全的;圆通的
    If you describe a person or what they say as tactful you approve of them because they are careful not to offend or upset another person.

    e.g. He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question...
    e.g. I decided it wouldn't be tactful to order another beer.

Alex tactfully refrained from further comment.
tactful 单语例句

1. tactful的翻译

1. You are not " clumsy ", you are so " tactful "!

2. It is not hard to understand why the tobacco sector has more tactful PR approaches than other industries.

3. This is a tactful indirect way to actually abolish the existing protocol while avoiding blame, said Su.

4. What Ruby Yang and her producer have done is a positive - but tactful - step in the right direction.

5. As a result, such complaints have always been interpreted as a tactful way of asking for price rises.

6. We need the same respect and tactful manners today in diplomatic relations.

7. tactful的解释

7. They saved face for me and I will never forget their tactful kindness.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The World Bank put the challenge in its most tactful terms when lending Bihar's government $ 225 million last December.

tactful 英英释义


1. showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people

    e.g. by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone
           a tactful way of correcting someone
           the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill

    Synonym: kid-glove

2. having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others

    e.g. she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion
           a tactful remark eased her embarrassment
