
sympathy [ˈsɪmpəθi]  [ˈsɪmpəθi] 



sympathy 基本解释

名词慰问; 意气相投,同感; 同情,同情心; 和谐的一致

sympathy 同义词


名词understanding mercy sensitivity commiseration compassion pity

sympathy 反义词


sympathy 相关词组

1. out of sympathy with : 不赞同..., 与...不一致;

2. in sympathy with : 赞同..., 与...一致;

3. come out in sympathy : 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援;

sympathy 相关例句


1. I have no sympathy with your silly ideas.

2. I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.

3. Many people are in sympathy with your views.

4. I have no sympathy for beggars.

5. We sent our sympathies on the death of his mother.

sympathy 网络解释


1. 交感作用:为传递不随意和无意识活动的各内脏器官的相互影响,即交感作用(sympathy)的特殊神经的意思. 它是很久以前由温斯洛[J.B.Winslow,(1732)]提出和命名的. 在人体上,其节前纤维从第1胸椎到第3-4腰椎的脊髓侧角的神经细胞(交感神经细胞)发出,

2. 交感:129-133)(43) 好感或交感(Sympathy)大不同于爱德(神圣的夫妻爱). 交感是盲目的,爱德则出乎理智;交感出于生性调协与臭味相投,而爱德则奠基于心灵的交合及理智和意志的融洽. 因而交感是皮毛的、浮动的,而爱德则是诚挚的、恒久的.

sympathy 词典解释

1. sympathy的翻译

1. 同情心;同情
    If you have sympathy for someone who is in a bad situation, you are sorry for them, and show this in the way you behave towards them.

    e.g. We expressed our sympathy for her loss...
    e.g. I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy whatsoever...

2. (对观点、看法的)同意,支持
    If you have sympathy with someone's ideas or opinions, you agree with them.

    e.g. I have some sympathy with this point of view...
    e.g. Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause...

3. 支持
    If you take some action in sympathy with someone else, you do it in order to show that you support them.

    e.g. Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their colleagues...
    e.g. Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated.

sympathy 单语例句

1. Some people say that China shouldn't always show its wound to others in order to win sympathy and call this " victim's psychology ".

2. But the West didn't show any sympathy or care for them.

3. This newfound sympathy for pets has been reflected in a movement against consumption of dog and cat meat in the country in recent years.

4. sympathy

4. Bush planned to show sympathy for the misery brought on by the killer storm while charting a hopeful vision for the future.

5. Chin sent messages of deep sympathy and concern from Singaporeans to the Chinese people over the recent snow havoc in southern parts of the country.

6. Even in far away Seychelles islands, we keep thinking about it with strong feelings of sympathy and closeness.

7. I don't have an iota of sympathy for Deng Guida, the official who got his comeuppance for his misbehavior.


8. Even though traditional Chinese culture encourages us to show sympathy and compassion for disadvantaged groups, it doesn't encourage us to respect them as other human beings.

9. China yesterday strongly condemned the suicide bombing and expressed its sympathy to the injured people and the family members of the victims of the bombing.

10. Hu also extended condolence on the death of the victims and expressed sympathy to their families.

sympathy 英英释义


1. an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion

    e.g. his sympathies were always with the underdog
           I knew I could count on his understanding

    Synonym: understanding

2. sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)

    Synonym: fellow feeling

3. a relation of affinity or harmony between people
    whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other

    e.g. the two of them were in close sympathy
