
sword [sɔ:d]  [sɔ:rd] 


sword 基本解释


名词剑,刀; 武力,战争; 兵权,权力

sword 同义词

名词knife blade

sword 反义词


sword 相关词组

1. put to the sword : 杀死;

sword 相关例句



1. Do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword?

sword 网络解释

1. 剑,刀:在6月6日清晨,剑刀(Sword)天后星(Juno)和黄金(GoId)达三处海滩的情况都进行的非常顺利. 英军登陆时所遭遇的抵抗较轻微,但稍后他们立刻发现防卫军的军力其实具有压倒性的优势. 当英军巩固了海滩之后,照理说应该向内陆推进愈远愈好.

2. 长剑:装备着一套弓箭、一件皮甲的就是弓手(Bowman而被分配到铁甲(Iron Armament)与十字弓(Crossbow)的自然就是更为强大的十字弓手;装备有长盾(Long Shield)、长剑(Sword)、铁甲的就是长剑手;如果再让长剑手配上战马,

3. 剑术:2.战斗中不要尽量不要伤jan太多,更不要砍倒jan抢他的东西,要不然,任务很容易就卡bug了,即便你放笑话(joke)魔法也是无效,他就是完全不理你. . . 我就是卡着呢. 小红宝石(small ruby)+5金块=20hp,3力量(str)戒指当然应该跟我力量(strength)低,剑术(sword)低有关系.

sword 词典解释

1. sword的反义词

1. 剑;刀
    A sword is a weapon with a handle and a long sharp blade.

2. 与…交锋;与…争论
    If you cross swords with someone, you disagree with them and argue with them about something.

    e.g. ...a candidate who's crossed swords with Labor by supporting the free-trade pact...
    e.g. The fiercest of rivals, the last time they crossed swords was during the 1980s.
           这对争得你死我活的竞争对手的最后一次交锋是在 20 世纪 80 年代。

3. (指兼有正面和负面影响的)双刃剑
    If you say that something is a double-edged sword or a two-edged sword, you mean that it has negative effects as well as positive effects.

4. Sword of Damocles -> see Damocles

sword 单语例句

1. sword的翻译

1. He explained that he has been " casting a sword " during that time.

2. In the second act, the comet is joined by an oversized sword planted in the middle of the stage.

3. It's originated from ancient shooting and sword techniques, compiling with our body structure and the way nature runs.

4. Every improvement to the shield has spurred concomitant changes in the sword.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Xiang drank with his beloved concubine Yu for the last time as she performed a sword dance for him.

6. An Internet game player has filed a lawsuit against a game operator for destroying a sword he used to vanquish villains in cyberspace.

7. The high housing prices are like a Sword of Damocles hanging over China's economy.

8. sword是什么意思

8. It was unknown whether the sword was the weapon in Tuesday's deadly attack at a DVD production center that also left two people injured.

9. sword是什么意思

9. It was unknown whether the sword was the murder weapon in Tuesday's deadly attack at a DVD production center that also left two people injured.

10. It all goes to show Chen Shuibian is insidiously using Japan as a borrowed sword to decapitate China.

sword 英英释义



1. sword是什么意思

1. a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard

    Synonym: blade brand steel
