
swollen [ˈswəʊlən]  [ˈswolən] 





过去分词:swollen; swelled


swollen 基本解释

形容词膨胀的; 肿起的; 涨满的


swollen 相关例句



1. His left arm is swollen.

2. He was swollen by victory.

3. Some people were swollen by victory.

swollen 网络解释


1. 肿胀的:responsible 有责任的 | swollen 肿胀的 | chest 胸膛

2. 溶胀的:switch gene 开关基因 | swollen 溶胀的 | sycon 隐头果植物

3. 胀大的:switch 开关;替换 | swollen 胀大的 | sword 剑

4. 肿的:swelling 肿 | swollen 肿的 | go down 消肿

swollen 词典解释

1. (身体部位)肿胀的,肿起来的
    If a part of your body is swollen, it is larger and rounder than normal, usually as a result of injury or illness.

    e.g. My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.

2. (河水)上涨的,湍流的
    A swollen river has more water in it and flows faster than normal, usually because of heavy rain.


swollen 单语例句

1. Her eyes and nose are still a little swollen but they are recovering day by day.

2. The town's normal population has been swollen by thousands of refugees, fleeing the advancing Serb forces.

3. A Reuters cameraman reported swollen rivers were blocking roads on the west side of the peninsula.

4. Television footage showed huge waves pounding the coastline and swollen rivers edging close to the top of their banks.

5. swollen

5. The footage is graphic, showing grotesquely swollen postoperative faces and surgeons vigorously sucking fat from a contestant's waist.

6. His cornea was swollen, leaving him vulnerable to a full rupture.

7. But her fake nose grew swollen and discharged puss as the surgical wound began to crack about eight weeks later.

8. Other species advertise when they are at their most fertile by changing color, releasing powerful scents or - like chimpanzees - exhibiting swollen genitals.

9. swollen的反义词

9. The girl's father called the police after he found his daughter had swollen eyes and bruises on October 15.

10. swollen在线翻译

10. He went to hospital because he was often dizzy, his eyes were swollen and had to urinate frequently at night.

swollen 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. characteristic of false pride
    having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

    e.g. a conceited fool
           an attitude of self-conceited arrogance
           an egotistical disregard of others
           so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty
           growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary
           vain about her clothes

    Synonym: conceited egotistic egotistical self-conceited swollen-headed vain
