switch off

switch off [switʃ ɔf]  [swɪtʃ ɔf] 

switch off 基本解释

switch off在线翻译

关闭; 切断; (使)没兴趣; 使停止谈话

switch off 相关例句

switch off的近义词


1. Be sure to switch off the light when you leave the office.

switch off 网络解释

switch off

1. 切断:因切断(switch off)与绕行(bypass)效应所形成的社会排除(social exclusion),造就了与全球资本主义经济痛养无关的,大面积土地与被放弃人口,如边远地区与离岛,区域间的差距与都会区域内的脱落社区都较过去的台湾严重得多.

2. 关掉:swelled head 骄傲自大 | switch off 关掉 | swith majors 转系

3. (用开关)关掉:1534. sweep off 拂去;大量清除 | 1535. switch off (用开关)关掉 | 1536. switch on (用开关)开启

switch off 词典解释
switch off的翻译

1. switch off什么意思

1. 关掉,关上(电灯等)
    If you switch off a light or other electrical device, you stop it working by operating a switch.

    e.g. She switched off the coffee-machine...
    e.g. Glass parked the car and switched the engine off.

2. switch off是什么意思

2. 失去兴趣;不考虑;不再想着;不再担忧
    If you switch off, you stop paying attention or stop thinking or worrying about something.

    e.g. Thankfully, I've learned to switch off and let it go over my head...
    e.g. You may find you've got so many things to think about that it's difficult to switch off.

switch off 单语例句

1. switch off是什么意思

1. She will also point out when it's courteous to shut off or switch cell phones to vibration mode.

2. In their stead are electronic sensors that switch lights on and off at the sound of clapping or footsteps.

3. switch off的近义词

3. He failed to follow clear instructions to switch off all telecom devices.

4. Hitachi's scientists are set to develop a brain TV remote controller letting users turn a TV on and off or switch channels by only thinking.

5. Experts said its decision to switch focus back to its traditional namesake restaurants after dabbling in other foods had also paid off.

6. Other experts are dubious about our ability to " override " the neuromuscular system and teach muscles when to switch on and off.

7. switch off

7. Carr said he's not optimistic society will switch off en masse but it's important to look clearly at what it might be losing.

8. Guests are actually told to switch off their phones during the garden party.

9. She discovered her colleague forgot to switch off a valve, which caused acid to leak on the floor.

10. Ho advised consumers to use the main switch on TVs to turn them off, rather than leave them in standby mode when not used.

switch off 英英释义



1. switch off的意思

1. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch

    e.g. Turn off the stereo, please
           cut the engine
           turn out the lights

    Synonym: cut turn off turn out
