
swindle [ˈswɪndl]  [ˈswɪndl] 






swindle 基本解释

及物动词诈骗,骗取; 欺骗,诓骗

名词骗局; 诈骗,骗取; 冒牌货,冒名顶替者

swindle 相关例句


1. She swindles him out of his life savings.

swindle 网络解释


1. 诈骗:这类人物中文对应单词意义明显,容易与人物特征联系起来,故取英文直译,如铲车,吊钩(hook),诈骗(swindle),旋风(vortex),钢锁(grimlock)等第7组也就是最困难的一组,这组里面的英文名字都是经过精心杜撰的,完全没有办法找到靠近的词汇直接表达,

2. 诈骗史云度:旋风 维迪斯 Vortex | 吵闹 喧哗 Brawl | 诈骗 史云度 Swindle

3. 行骗:swimsuit 游泳衣 | swindle 行骗 | swindler 骗子

4. 诈取,骗取:Swerve 急转弯,偏斜 | Swindle 诈取,骗取 | Harass 折磨,骚扰

swindle 词典解释

1. 诈骗,骗取,欺诈(尤指钱财)
    If someone swindles a person or an organization, they deceive them in order to get something valuable from them, especially money.

    e.g. A City businessman swindled investors out of millions of pounds...
    e.g. An oil executive swindled £50,000 out of his firm.
           一名石油公司主管从其公司骗取了 5 万英镑。

Swindlers have cheated investors out of £2 million.
诈骗犯们已经骗取了投资者 200 万英镑。
swindle 单语例句

1. A Guilin city man appeared in Beijing court Monday, charged in connection to a swindle involving falsely identified cultural relics.

2. swindle的反义词

2. The court said Zhou's motive was to swindle the reward and he was clear that individuals were forbidden to own ammunition.

3. The tricks deceptive online sellers use to swindle unsuspecting customers are many.

4. swindle的近义词

4. The newspaper said the owner was afraid that he was in some way falling victim to a swindle and simply decided to cancel the card.

5. At local levels, some officials were found to report exaggerated figures of loss to swindle bigger relief packages.

6. swindle的反义词

6. First alerted in 2001, city police have placed 307 message swindle cases on file for investigation so far.

7. The municipal consumers'association warned this year that independent funeral shops often price their products unreasonably and swindle customers.

8. The government has repeatedly warned investors of illegal securities companies that swindle clients of funds with claims of high returns.

9. The court said Zhou's motive was to swindle the reward from the forestry department and he was clear that individuals were forbidden to own ammunition.

10. On the other, they are again feigning innocence to swindle sympathy out of the uninformed overseas public.

swindle 英英释义



1. the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme

    e.g. that book is a fraud

    Synonym: cheat rig


1. deprive of by deceit

    e.g. He swindled me out of my inheritance
           She defrauded the customers who trusted her
           the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change

    Synonym: victimize rook goldbrick nobble diddle bunco defraud scam mulct gyp gip hornswoggle short-change con
