
swell [swel]  [swɛl] 





过去分词:swollen; swelled


swell 基本解释


及物/不及物动词膨胀; 肿胀; 增强; 充满(激情)

名词汹涌; 重要人士; (尤指身体部位)凸起的形状; 声音渐强

形容词极好的; 了不起的; 非常棒的

swell 同义词


动词stretch enlarge billow magnify increase broaden amplify expand bulge inflate

swell 反义词



swell 相关例句



1. He is a swell teacher.


1. She was swollen with contentment.

2. A brisk wind swelled the sails.


1. Anger swelled in him.

2. His emotion swells and subsides.


1. There was a swell in the city's population.

swell 网络解释


1. 膨胀:据推断,有些星星老化时会膨胀(swell)成为一个红巨星(red giant star), 然后它的外层(outer layer)脱落,剩下一个走向消亡的矮星(dwarf star). 不过,这个矮星仍会经过几十亿年才最终从人类的视野内淡出(fade).

2. 肿胀:于是他把井堵住了,在上面住了下来(dwell),当然故事没有完,他仍然每天晚上做梦,梦到无头的妻子来向他索命,他想一不做二不休,打开井看看里面到底是什么样子,于是他把房子拆了,把井掘开,那个死在井里的人浮了出来,浑身肿胀(swell).

3. 长浪:原因是,此时的长浪(Swell)方向来自正东,并转为东北向,若按原航向40度,则长浪必将正对船头,海水非常容易卷上甲板,不利船员作业. 改航向为正北,让长浪方向与船体垂直,利于船员在甲板上工作. 又如,3月4日,由于航行前方有个强气旋,

4. 浪:3. 本局有无潮流(tidal current)的资料?目前波浪观测仪器所测得的波浪数据中包含了风浪与涌浪(swell)的影响. 单就涌浪而言,本局尚无资料.

swell 词典解释
The forms swelled and swollen are both used as the past participle. swelled 和 swollen 均可用作过去分词。

1. (使)膨胀;(使)扩大;(使)增加
    If the amount or size of something swells or if something swells it, it becomes larger than it was before.

    e.g. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south...
    e.g. By the end of this month the size of the mission is expected to swell to 280 people...
           到这个月底,参加该任务的人员规模将有望增至 280 人。

2. (身体部位)肿胀,膨胀
    If something such as a part of your body swells, it becomes larger and rounder than normal.

    e.g. Do your ankles swell at night?...
    e.g. The limbs swell to an enormous size.

3. 涌起,充满(某种情感)
    If you swell with a feeling, you are suddenly full of that feeling.

    e.g. She could see her two sons swell with pride.

4. (声音)增强,变响亮
    If sounds swell, they get louder.

    e.g. Heavenly music swelled from nowhere.

5. 浪潮;浪涌
    A swell is the regular movement of waves up and down in the open sea.

    e.g. We bobbed gently up and down on the swell of the incoming tide.

6. swell什么意思

6. 极好的;了不起的;非常棒的
    You can describe something as swell if you think it is really nice.

    e.g. I've had a swell time.

7. see also: swelling;swollen;groundswell

相关词组:swell up

swell 单语例句

1. One woman saw her nose swell up after being injected by a registered doctor in 2005.

2. Those looking for a chance to stretch their legs while taking in captivating scenery have seen the club's numbers swell since its inception in 2001.

3. But as their numbers swell, the gloss is gone and their keepers are becoming more choosy.

4. The additional six aircraft will swell the airline's total order for the aircraft type to 36.

5. But he also warned against anything that could create a spending habit and swell the deficit even further.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Moderate Arabs have also reacted with dismay and despair, predicting Yassin's murder will swell the ranks of radical Islamic extremists.

7. But it will swell the supply of base money, and thereby heighten the risk of devaluation of the dollar.

8. The response would be set against a backdrop of severe travel disruption during next year's Olympics when the number of travellers is set to swell.

9. Shek said the swell in the number of young female drug abusers may be due to low prices and easy access to drugs.

10. The rapid aging of its population also threatens to be a drag on public coffers as the number of taxpayers decreases and pension responsibilities swell.

swell 英英释义



1. a crescendo followed by a decrescendo

2. swell的解释

2. the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea

    Synonym: crestless wave

3. swell是什么意思

3. a rounded elevation (especially one on an ocean floor)

4. swell什么意思

4. a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance

    Synonym: dandy dude fop gallant sheik beau fashion plate clotheshorse


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. expand abnormally

    e.g. The bellies of the starving children are swelling

    Synonym: swell up intumesce tumefy tumesce

2. swell的翻译

2. cause to become swollen

    e.g. The water swells the wood

3. swell

3. increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity

    e.g. The music swelled to a crescendo

4. danci.911cha.com

4. come up, as of a liquid

    e.g. Tears well in her eyes
           the currents well up

    Synonym: well

5. swell的翻译

5. become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger

    e.g. The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son

    Synonym: puff up

6. come up (as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things)

    e.g. Strong emotions welled up
           Smoke swelled from it

    Synonym: well up


1. swell在线翻译

1. very good

    e.g. he did a bully job
           a neat sports car
           had a great time at the party
           you look simply smashing

    Synonym: bang-up bully corking cracking dandy great groovy keen neat nifty not bad(p) peachy slap-up smashing
