
sweetener [ˈswi:tnə(r)]  [ˈswitnɚ] 


sweetener 基本解释


sweetener 网络解释


1. 甜料:黄玉米产量比其他两种玉米的产量大得多,主要用于饲料和加工甜料(sweetener)、淀粉以及其它民用、工业用产品. 白玉米加工成玉米面、玉米粥(hominy)和粗玉米粉(grits)等. 混色玉米用于生产饲料. 美国大豆农场主和农民合作组织都建有自己的仓储设施,

2. 增甜剂:(本报记者报道)据卑诗省蜂蜜农场业者指出,很多不符合加国品质和安全标准的中国蜂蜜,由进口商以增甜剂(sweetener)名义入口加国,然后再重新包装在市面以低价发售.

3. 甜头:suspend payment 止付 | Sweetener 甜头 | Takeover 接管

sweetener 词典解释

1. (人造的)甜味剂
    Sweetener is an artificial substance that can be used in drinks instead of sugar.

2. 好处;用以拉拢人的钱物;贿赂
    A sweetener is something that you give or offer someone in order to persuade them to accept an offer or business deal.

sweetener 单语例句

1. Veterinarians warned on Friday that a commonly used sweetener might cause liver failure in dogs, and perhaps even kill them.

2. The chemical cocktail mentioned earlier would not have been palatable without sodium saccharin, the controversial artificial sweetener linked to numerous kinds of cancer.

3. Authorities reassured the public Wednesday that the artificial sweetener Stevioside is not harmful, refuting recent reports that it can cause cancer.

4. Apart from the competitive salary package, the job's high flexibility is also the sweetener attracting accountants.

5. China's market offers a further sweetener - most buyers are still purchasing their first car.

6. But analysts say a huge supply glut of the sweetener still weighed on the market and could take some time to absorb.

sweetener 英英释义


1. anything that serves as an enticement

    Synonym: bait come-on hook lure

2. something added to foods to make them taste sweeter

    Synonym: sweetening
