1. 群:而且在该近战中所有的败方部队的力量(Unit Strength)大於所有胜方导致害怕的部队力量,则该战败部队可如常做战败测试. 拥有心理免疫的部队不可在冲击反应(Charge Reaction)中作出逃跑. 拥有不战败规则的兽群(Swarms)如在近战中战败,则额外需承受相当於所输分数的损伤.
2. (昆虫等)群:hordes (昆虫等)群 | swarms (昆虫等)群 | flock (鸟,羊等)群
3. 蜂群:蜂 wasp | 蜂群 swarms | 毛虫 caterpillar
4. (虫豸等)群:hordes(虫豸等)群 | swarms(虫豸等)群 | flock(鸟,羊等)群
1. The Celtic midfielder has made light of the clinging Vietnamese heat and swarms of mosquitoes to become the driving force of the Japan team.
2. swarms
2. Swarms of visitors are descending upon Beijing for the fast approaching Olympics, including athletes and tourists.
3. Out of nowhere swarms of colorful fish started to swirl around my feet.
4. swarms的翻译
4. He unveiled that China is excellent in technologies of " conventional satellites and swarms of miniature satellites ".
5. Apartment residents need not worry about confronting swarms of ladybugs, since this is not the Asian ladybug typically spotted in urban areas.
6. swarms是什么意思
6. It was also home to leaches, swarms of noxious insects and potentially dangerous animals.
7. swarms的翻译
7. Huge swarms of locusts have destroyed summer crops in northern and eastern China, forcing officials to take urgent measures to fight the plague.
8. After his medical degrees were proven to be fake by the media, swarms of concerned people came forward to comment on the flaws in his approach.
9. It was found two months ago and has been growing ever since, sending swarms of stinging wasps into the apartments everyday.
10. " The water glistened with swarms of fish, " he says.