
supplies [səp'laɪz]  [səp'laɪz] 






supplies 基本解释


名词供应; 补给; 日用(必需)品; 供应量; 供给物( supply的名词复数 ); 储备物质; 粮食

动词供给( supply的第三人称单数 ); 补充; 弥补(缺陷、损失等); 向…提供(物资等)

supplies 网络解释


1. 物料:1205 物料(Supplies) 凡购进非直接供生产用及供修缮、消耗、包装等物品所发生之进价及应担之运费、保险费等皆属之. 已发生进料成本之数,记入借方;物料耗用或退出之数,记入贷方. 其借方馀额,表示现存物品之总额.

2. 补给:当征税、筹集收入、提供补给(supplies)的权力保留在平民院手中,发生毫无制衡的篡夺是困难的;特权必须让步于同时控制了刀剑和钱库的必要条件[的平民院].

3. 供应品:它能够对不同类型的漫游者分别进行控制,具体的说明在城市美化部门一章. 人口管理部门为你的居民区提供两种住房,用来构造平民区的普通住所(Common Housing)和构造富人区的豪宅(Elite Housing). 1:供应品(Supplies)和工人的覆盖图(Overlays).

4. 供给:某矿场招人,请了一个德国人、一个法国人和一个中国人. 矿场主说:法国人身体壮,负责采矿. 德国人头脑慎密,负责管理. 至于中国人,身材矮小但是灵活,负责供给(supplies)好了.

supplies 单语例句


1. Though water supplies were not cut off, it prompted panic buying of bottled water.

2. Panic buying has been reported in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, with retailers allegedly hiking prices several times and supplies selling out.

3. Wu firmly believed that the business plan would pan out, so he started buying supplies from the United States.

4. The relief supplies will be carried by a special plane directly from the airport to Kaohsiung.

5. Asda is threatening to use legal action to block a potential strike over pay rights that could disrupt the grocer's supplies during the World Cup.

6. Japanese electronics manufacturer Canon Inc plans to further explore China's office supplies market, with a particular focus on the country growing population of small companies.

7. A senior official yesterday denied charges that the Beijing Olympics had put pressure on water supplies in and around the capital.

8. A senior official Wednesday denied charges that the Beijing Olympics had put pressure on water supplies in and around the Chinese capital.

9. Chinese nonferrous metal companies have been actively pursuing domestic and overseas resources to secure steady upstream supplies and become mining conglomerates with complete industrial chains.

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10. The Beijing Post supplies newspapers, magazines and telephone subscription cards to newspaper stands in the Chinese capital.
