






supervising 基本解释


动词监督,管理( supervise的现在分词 )

supervising 网络解释

1. 监督:最后还说,台湾应该致力于参加世界各个民主社会对于中国走向民主进程进行监督(supervising)和引导(guiding)的活动中. 最后是说,两岸应该谋求双赢和并存.

2. 监督,管理:sequencing次序安排 | supervising监督,管理 | the need to communicate交际需求

3. 监视屏:supervising network 检验网络 | supervising 监视屏 | Supervision and Control over Transit Goods 过境货物监管

4. 监控:监督:supervising | 监控:Supervising | 监控:Network supervising

supervising 单语例句

1. The act is also aimed at supervising and urging developers to increase the speed of property development.

2. supervising的意思

2. The government agency started in 2003 a reform on supervising company credits through categorization.

3. supervising的近义词

3. It is the largest recruiting drive ever by the government body in charge of supervising SOEs'assets.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The NRDC is in charge of supervising power prices, making investment policies and evaluating the feasibility of projects in the field of electricity.

5. A person close to Xu said he also served as an official in a Party disciplinary department charged with supervising corruption.

6. The plan requires teachers supervising the exam to comfort students during the evacuation, but also ensure they do not talk to each other to prevent cheating.

7. He urged grain administrative departments at various levels to improve the system of grain market access and intensify their roles in supervising grain circulation.

8. And the media can play an effective role in supervising the government and promoting communication between the government and the people.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Each village or community is under the responsibility of a team of government officials, with supervising teams set up at every township government.

10. He held a secretary position in supervising department and a concurrent post at Loudi Party Committee as deputy secretary.

supervising 英英释义


1. supervising

1. management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group

    Synonym: supervision superintendence oversight
