
superstructure [ˈsu:pəstrʌktʃə(r)]  [ˈsu:pərstrʌktʃə(r)] 


superstructure 基本解释

名词上部结构,上层建筑; (建筑物、船等的)上面部分

superstructure 网络解释


1. 上部结构:柱石的地点和体积往往需要精心策划, 使它能把上部结构(superstructure)的重量最有效地加诸于地面. 根基的功用则是把这力量实际有效地往四围扩散, 减少其压力, 使地面能承受得住达到其上的力量. 非专业人士是从地面的角度去看此事 - 往上看;

2. 超结构:然而,社会的构成并不仅仅局限于解剖学和形态学的层面上,除了其有形的结构之外,涂尔干更强调了社会在超结构(superstructure)方面所具有的特征4 :即集体意识(collective consciousness,或集体良知,collective conscience).

superstructure 词典解释

1. superstructure的翻译

1. (船舶主甲板上方的)上层构造,上层结构
    The superstructure of a ship is the part of it that is above its main deck.

    e.g. We might try to clear up some of the cabins in the superstructure.

superstructure 单语例句

1. Conscious people in the Nepal understand well that imposition of a divisible political superstructure in the name of state restructuring primarily serves foreign motives.

2. Falls in underemployment rate were also seen in foundation and superstructure construction sectors.

3. superstructure

3. This important thesis profoundly reveals the dialectical relationship between the superstructure and economic base.

4. The speech analyzed contradictions of socialist society between productive forces and production relations, and between the economic base and superstructure.

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5. The western station for the train to Tibet was another humongous superstructure, a staggeringly confusing maze which we could never negotiate without Xun.

6. The armed force is also an important part of a state's superstructure.

7. The contradictions between productive forces and the relations of production and between economic base and superstructure constitute the basic social contradiction.

superstructure 英英释义



1. structure consisting of the part of a ship above the main deck
