
sunup [ˈsʌnʌp]  [ˈsʌnˌʌp] 

sunup 基本解释



sunup 网络解释

1. 日出:Suntandy 新天地公司 | sunup 日出 | sunward 朝着太阳

2. 日出 (名):suntanned 晒成红褐色的 (形) | sunup 日出 (名) | super 上等的, 特级的, 特大的 (形)

sunup 双语例句


1. It's a scrum as every tusker shoves his way to the sunup.


2. From sunup to sundown, Muslims don't eat, drink, smoke or have sex.


3. The old adage that the farmer works from sunup to sundown is a myth.
    这个古老的格言说,农民工从 sunup 到日落是一个神话。


4. By sunup, if you're not the sorriest piece of ass in all of London...

5. He arrived at the peak of the mountain before sunup.

6. The sky would be clear from sunup to sundown in Florida.


7. Shines from sundown to sunup, and climbs to its highest point in the sky around midnight.

8. A young man sees a sunup and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond.

9. From sunup to sundown and on into the night, nearly 100 shows a day dazzle Expo visitors with the vibrant colours, music and rhythms of cultures from around the world.

10. From noon till three in the afternoon the heat was blistering, and finally they felt the heat early in the morning shortly after sunup, and it lasted until an hour or more after sundown.


11. I`ll meet you at sunup.

12. The Culex mosquitoes that usually spread West Nile tend to bite at sunup and sundown, which is why risk is heightened at those times of day.

13. Introducing me to the Saturday Evening Post, she was trying to wean me as early as possible from my father's world where men left with their lunch pails at sunup, worked with their hands all their lives, and died with a few sticks of mail-order furniture as their legacy.

14. By sunup, Jonathan Gull was practicing again.


15. In addition to his work teaching Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) courses at many of China ` s top universities, Ye is also the founder of Sunup Consulting Co Ltd, a Beijing-based strategic consulting company.

16. The sky would be clear from sunup to sundown in florida.

17. We worked from sunup to sunset.

18. Get to work before sunup.

19. A man could kill from sunup to sunset.


20. The'SunUp'papaya used by the scientists contains randomly inserted genes to give it immunity to the papaya ringspot virus, which reduces papaya yields and fruit quality.

sunup 英英释义



1. sunup的意思

1. the first light of day

    e.g. we got up before dawn
           they talked until morning

    Synonym: dawn dawning morning aurora first light daybreak break of day break of the day dayspring sunrise cockcrow
