
sunstroke [ˈsʌnstrəʊk]  [ˈsʌnstroʊk] 

sunstroke 基本解释


sunstroke 相关例句



1. Mother was afraid we would get sunstroke while fishing on such a hot day.

sunstroke 网络解释


1. 中暑:有的整天关在空调屋里,有的整天泡在游泳池里,有的甚至去郊外避暑.那和我们最密切的朋友,动物们是怎么消暑的呐?希望英语杂志:任我游将带你去看看它们是怎样过夏天的哦!一起来看看吧! 本期关键词 中暑(sunstroke) 凉快(cool)

2. 日射病:其中热射病的成因若仅与阳光直接照射有关的话则又称为日射病(sunstroke) 原因:[[下视丘]的温热中 这类中暑又可分为四种类型:热痉挛、热衰竭、日射病和热射病.

3. 中风:cold 感冒 | sunstroke 中风 | flu 流行性感冒

4. 暑,日射病:sunken stoma 内陷气孔 | sunstroke 暑,日射病 | superior vena cava 腔静脉, 腔大静脉

sunstroke 词典解释

1. 中暑;日射病
    Sunstroke is an illness caused by spending too much time in hot sunshine.

    e.g. I was suffering from acute sunstroke, starvation and exhaustion.

sunstroke 单语例句

1. The soldiers have also learned the necessary knowledge for sunstroke prevention, long marches and wilderness first aid.

2. The draft lists sunstroke at work as an occupational disease and says it will be covered by work injury insurance when diagnosed as work injury.

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3. Residents should avoid outdoor activity during the noontime to prevent sunstroke, the meteorologist said.

4. He urged company officials to arrange sunstroke prevention and properly schedule the construction process.

5. Pet stores in Chongqing are selling products and services to prevent sunstroke.

6. sunstroke

6. In Shanghai, the new forecasts include a sunstroke index to warn people of the heat.

7. The observatory warned residents and work units to protect themselves against sunstroke.

8. At the same time, sunstroke preventive actions were taken to protect the laborers.

9. To prevent sunstroke, many took shelter under the trees near the hospital.

10. Some visitors said they went to the horticultural exposition at the risk of succumbing to sunstroke.

sunstroke 英英释义



1. sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat

    Synonym: insolation thermic fever siriasis
