
sunfish ['sʌnfɪʃ]  ['sʌnˌfɪʃ] 

sunfish 基本解释


sunfish 网络解释

1. 翻车鱼:是蒙特利壮观的水下殿堂--而且是美国最好的水族馆之一.这里的亮点包括两层高的海藻群缸;百万加仑容器的外湾(Outer Bay)缸,海龟和笨重的翻车鱼(sunfish)在里面自由地游动;受孩子们欢迎的戏水区(Splash Zone

2. 太阳鱼:鲈形目(Perciformes)日鲈科(Centrarchidae)学名Lepomis macrochirus之太阳鱼(sunfish),为最著名太阳鱼之一. 原产於美国中、南部的淡水中,现已引进美国西部及世界各地的许多淡水环境中.

3. 淡水鱼:sunfast 不褪色 | sunfish 淡水鱼 | sunflower 向日葵

4. 翻车鱼/淡水产小鱼:sunfast /晾晒也不褪色的/ | sunfish /翻车鱼/淡水产小鱼/ | sunflower /向日葵/葵/

sunfish 单语例句

1. Fishermen from western Taiwan have captured a huge ocean sunfish - a species that had not previously been seen in the Taiwan Straits.

sunfish 英英释义


1. small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster: crappies
    black bass

    Synonym: centrarchid

2. among the largest bony fish
    pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal and anal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe
    worldwide in warm waters

    Synonym: ocean sunfish mola headfish

3. the lean flesh of any of numerous American perch-like fishes of the family Centrarchidae
