summer solstice

summer solstice [ˈsʌmə ˈsɔlstis]  [ˈsʌmɚ ˈsɑlstɪs] 

summer solstice 基本解释
summer solstice 网络解释

1. 夏至:最佳答案: 夏至(summer solstice)每年的6月21日或22日,为夏至日,此时太阳直射北回归线,是北半球一年中白昼最长的一天,南方各地从日出到日没大多为十四小时左右.

2. 夏至点:Spica 角宿一(位于室女座) | summer solstice 夏至点 | Taurus 金牛座

3. 夏至;夏至点:夏[季] summer | 夏至;夏至点 summer solstice | 夏令时 summer time

4. 冬至:至日,至点winter solstice | 冬至summer solstice | 夏至equinox

summer solstice 单语例句

1. Polar days fall around the time of the summer solstice when " the sun never sets ".

2. Summer solstice is also observed at the site, but Carson said the winter celebrations are increasingly popular.

summer solstice 英英释义

summer solstice的解释


1. June 21, when the sun is at its northernmost point

    Synonym: June 21 midsummer
