
sultan [ˈsʌltən]  [ˈsʌltən] 


sultan 基本解释


名词苏丹; 巨头,强人

sultan 网络解释


1. 苏坦:请细细体验 苏坦(SULTAN)系列. 感受一下弹性十足的封套弹簧和高 回弹泡沫怎样与马鬃、天然乳胶和羊毛等天然材料紧密 结合,形成贴合您身体轮廓的形状,让您晚上睡得又香又甜,得到充分的放松和休息. 另外还提供丰富的床上用品 和巧妙的卧室储物系列,

2. 印度绸:sultan silk 苏坦真丝缎 | sultan 印度绸 | Sultana 撒力坦牌手表

3. (苏丹)权威、权力、君主:Sufiya 苏非派人 | Sultan (苏丹)权威、权力、君主 | Sunna (逊奈)习惯

sultan 词典解释

1. 苏丹(某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)
    A sultan is a ruler in some Muslim countries.

    e.g. ...during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid.

sultan 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. " The election committee abides by the amendments of political right law, " added Sultan.

2. Prince Sultan went to the United States for medical tests in November, then to Morocco for a prescribed convalescence before flying back to New York.

3. Soldiers on the ground were tallying the number of dead, said Sultan.

4. It is mainly amateurs looking to challenge themselves who participate in outdoor endurance events like the Sultan Marathon Des Sables.

5. sultan的翻译

5. Sultan said at a press conference that candidates have the right to appeal on decisions of the general election committee only before the HPEC.

6. " Nek Mohammad's movement was being followed by the security forces, " Sultan said.

7. She recalled her recent visit to the sultan of Oman several months ago, describing it as an important trip and a " greatly honor " for her.

8. The Sultan of Brunei reaped the first stalks of homegrown paddy on Aug 3 to show his support for local production.

9. His interest in polo was sparked while watching footage of Prince Charles playing a match with the Sultan of Brunei in 1996.

10. sultan在线翻译

10. " ASEAN is a potential market in addition to international dynamism towards regional integration, " the Sultan said.

sultan 英英释义


1. the ruler of a Muslim country (especially of the former Ottoman Empire)

    Synonym: grand Turk
