sulphuric acid

sulphuric acid [sʌlˌfjʊərɪk ˈæsɪd] [sʌlˈfjuərik ˈæsid] 

sulphuric acid 基本解释
sulphuric acid 网络解释

1. 硫酸:醛酸(Formic acid)、浓硫酸(Sulphuric acid)、二甲替酰胺(dimethyl Formamide)及m-甲酚(M-Cresol)均可溶解PA6(正如所有PA一样). 聚酰胺遇热作用(Pyrolysis)会发出碱性气体;燃烧时,火焰呈蓝色,边缘带有黄色,冒出白烟. 火焰容易被扑熄,

2. 酸:......关於充电电池 ...这 些浆糊状是由氧化铅 (LeadOxide) 及硫酸 (Sulphuric Acid) 混合而成. ......为何不是充电电池~就不能充电啊? ...这 些浆糊状是由氧化铅 (LeadOxide) 及硫酸 (Sulphuric Acid) 混合而成. ......

3. 硫酸(不含硫酸盐):盐酸(不含盐酸盐) HYDROCHLORIC ACID | 硫酸(不含硫酸盐) SULPHURIC ACID | 甲苯 TOLUNE

4. 硫酸(不含盐酸盐):盐酸(不含盐酸盐)HYDROCHLORIC ACID | 硫酸(不含盐酸盐)SULPHURIC ACID | 甲苯 TOLUNE

sulphuric acid 单语例句

1. But during a quarrel late last year at Yu's home, the woman flung sulphuric acid at his face.

2. A woman surnamed Chen is doing well after she accidentally spilled sulphuric acid on herself.

3. sulphuric acid的解释

3. An injured woman in Shandong Province was fired after she slipped on a sulphuric acid spill in the factory.

4. A tank holding two tons of nearly pure sulphuric acid ruptured around midday on Saturday, mixing with rain and sending a poisonous white cloud into the air.

5. Police have arrested six men over a sulphuric acid attack on a government official in what appears to be revenge for a failed business deal.

6. Chen's head was seriously injured after she broke a bottle of sulphuric acid while cleaning the house.

7. The geothermal heat creates a varied and fascinating landscape including sulphuric acid and poisonous carbon dioxide springs.

sulphuric acid 英英释义


1. (H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide
    widely used in the chemical industry

    Synonym: vitriol oil of vitriol sulfuric acid
